Problems only waitresses understand

    6 is honestly boring!

    The day to day in a restaurant is not easy, especially for waitresses who face some of the same problems as waiters, however, the fact that they are women weighs more on the bill. Here are 14 problems a waitress faces on most (if not all) of her days:

    1. When customers say “I need” or “I want” instead of “I would like”. That may be my job, but you can still be polite.
    2. When people give those lewd looks when I go to the table to ask if they need anything. May God forgive me if I ruin your conversation by spilling your water.
    3. When a table asks you to split the bill in a million different ways. Yes, I love it when you hand me a ton of cash and six different cards to pay the bill. Maybe it's better to use the shared payment feature next time?
    4. When your boss doubles your turns without giving you a break between them. It's so ironic, because you're surrounded by food, but you can't eat anything.
    5. When people at the table say they are ready to order but immediately start arguing about which appetizer they want to share, completely ignoring you and the fact that you have other tables to attend to. I could be doing a million other things, but right now I'm standing here, waiting for these people to decide if they want bruschetta or mozzarella sticks.
    6. Large groups that don't leave a big tip. If you're in a large group, you should tip better as they end up being more work. That simple.
    7. When a restaurant only gives you two shirts as a uniform when you work six days a week. At the end of the turn, this shirt will be repulsive. I don't want to have to do laundry every night after work.
    8. Nice people who don't tip well. You think you're getting along well with a table and suddenly they give you a 2 reais bill, and you end up getting confused. I appreciate nice people, but that's usually worse, because I keep hoping they'll at least tip me decently.
    9. Big tables where everyone wants to make a little change to their meal. You have 20 people ordering a dish but each one wants something their own way, so it takes a year and a half to put all the orders on the computer.
    10. When everyone wants to pay separately, but they don't tell you that until you're already handing over the bill.
    11. Those people who ask for something new every time you come back to the table. You went to get ketchup, and then they decide they want pepper, too, and when you bring it, they suddenly want more napkins. It's not that difficult to order everything at once.
    12. When a drunk man touches you. That's never good, but it's especially bad when it happens at my job. Please stop.
    13. When people don't arrive all at once. You have to constantly go to the table as new people arrive, it looks like you're being annoying, but in reality you just want to take the drinks order.
    14. Those people who arrive 15 minutes before closing and they don't act like they're in a race against time, even if you start sweeping the floor around them. Many places will accept customers until the last minute, but that doesn't mean I don't want to go home.

    Problems only waitresses understand

    If you're a waitress facing all these issues, know that you're not alone. Keep in mind that bad days are fleeting and you can find in these everyday difficulties a reason to smile, at least some situations are comical. If you are not a waitress, or rather if you own a restaurant or bar, beware. That might be their job, but that's not why they have to go through awkward situations every day.

    Text written by Amanda Magliaro Prieto of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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