presence field

Can you understand the meaning of what we might call the Field of Presence? According to Nisargan from Espaço Presença, the term is a translation of what master Osho used to say about the concept of the word “Buddhafield”.

In several of Nisargan's meetings with the master, both in the United States and in España, Osho always stated that they were in a Buddhafield state.

The literally translated meaning of the word Buddhafield is "Field of Buddhas", that is, an environment where people could meet, which is a favorable place for the awakening of consciousness.

The term Buddhafield is composed of two elements. The first is indicated as a radiating center of presence and radiator of awakened consciousness, which would be the master, someone who is permanently in the present moment in the here and now, who transcends the mind and who is an enlightened being.

The second element of the Buddhafield refers to people who are receptive and willing to raise their consciousness. They are characterized as individuals who are willing to awaken their own consciousness, knowing that everyone is connected.

In a Buddha Field or in a Field of Presence, it is not good for a person to be just receptive, he also needs to be emitting. So, the greater the presence a person can have, the more he can awaken and raise his consciousness, the more he affects the Field of Presence.

presence field
Photo by Gustavo Fring on Pexels

In view of this observation, it can be understood that it is the master element and the elements of individuals who are mobilized to the very awakening of people. People are not only receptive, but also broadcasters.

There was another expression for the awakening of consciousness that master Osho used a lot, especially when he was in the United States, where this awakening was also called Communes.

Osho put a lot of emphasis on the Communes. For the master, they represented the place where people lived together to pursue the same purpose of awakening consciousness, and such action was something very valuable and powerful for those who participated in this community.

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Another question to be analyzed is whether the Communes were practically dissolved, extinct, since there were several, and today it can be seen that they are poorly represented as they were before.

For Nisargan, the Communes still exist, but now on a subtle level. It is not because two individuals, three, two hundred are living in the same space that they are close, and that such proximity represents a Commune in the sense of a Field of Presence.

It may be that people are not in the same tune, in the same intention, in the same purpose. Communes really exist when people seek together for the same intentions and for the same purposes.

So, are you curious about how to awaken consciousness and get to know the field of presence better? Stay tuned and check out in this video what Nisargan has to say about it.

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