prayer to sleep

Are fear and worry words that pollute your pillow at bedtime? The difficulties we face throughout the day can make the moment of rest and relaxation an unpleasant situation. Have you ever thought about getting a good night's sleep back with a bedtime prayer?

After all, this time is definitely not for solving big issues. That's why a simple prayer can be a reassuring solution so that everyday problems don't get in our way.

Below, you will find bedtime prayer suggestions that will make a difference in your night.

Prayer to sleep in peace

“Sleep has the function of giving rest to the body; the Spirit, however, need not rest. While the physical senses are stupefied, the soul partly detaches itself from matter and enters into the enjoyment of the faculties of the Spirit. Sleep has the function of repairing organic forces and also moral forces.
While the body recovers the elements it has lost as a result of the activity of vigil, the Spirit will recover among the other Spirits. Focus on what you see, on what you hear and on the advice they give you, on the ideas that, upon awakening, come to you in a state of intuition. It is the exile's temporary return to his true homeland. It is the prisoner temporarily restored to freedom.

But, as with the perverse prisoner, it happens that the Spirit does not always take advantage of this moment of freedom to advance. If he retains bad instincts, instead of seeking the company of good spirits, he seeks the company of his peers and goes to visit places where he can give free rein to his inclinations.
So, let those who are aware of this truth raise their thoughts to God, when they feel sleep approaching, and ask for the advice of the good Spirits and of all those whose memory is dear to them, so that they may come together him, in the short moments of freedom that are granted to him, and, upon awakening, he will feel stronger against evil, more courageous in the face of adversity.”

Prayer for those who have trouble sleeping

“Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, I am here in Your presence,
I know that insomnia comes from some kind of anxiety, flurry, etc.
Lord, search my heart, search my life
And take away from me everything that makes me anxious and that disturbs my sleep!
Sir, many people ask for a car, house and money,
But the only thing I ask of you is that I can sleep well and sleep in peace!
So I use the authority that the Lord has given me, and I say this:
All the evil that attracts restlessness, anxiety, consequently bringing insomnia, leaves my life now! Get out of my life all evil in the name of Jesus Christ! I believe and declare that there is peace within me, and that there are good dreams in my life!
Amen, thank God.”

Prayer to sleep well

“O Holy Spirit, comforter, I need to sleep well, and for that to happen, Lord, I need your help. Now his presence pours over me, calming me and making me forget the problems that surround me. Anxiety and frustration, make me, Lord, forget what happened, what is happening, as well as what will happen, because I want you to take control of everything in my life. When we get into a car and sleep inside it is because we trust the driver, so, Holy Spirit, I trust you, and I ask you to be the driver of my life, of my ways, because there is no better driver in the life of the than the Lord. I will be at peace knowing that everything is in Your hands. There being an evil influence behind this evil sleep, I now order the evil to go away! Get out of my sleep! Bad sleep I don't accept you in my life! Come out now in the name of Jesus Christ! Now, I declare! I will sleep well in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen and thank God!”

Prayer for blessed sleep

“I, however, stand firm in Your love. I am not yet a saint, but in You I seek to sanctify myself. Teach me to take care of things on Earth as if I already lived in Heaven. Make my words the balm that heals the wounds of the heart and relieves the pain of the soul. Yes, in You I seek to bear the offenses, because, on the cross that I carry, I contemplate the glory of life, which gives and becomes new in every gesture of love. Make me bloom in the garden where You planted me.

Prayer for a peaceful sleep

“My father, now that the voices are silenced and the cries are extinguished, here at the foot of the bed my soul rises to you, to say: I believe in you, I hope in you and I love you with all my strength, glory to you, Sir! I place in your hands the fatigue and the struggle, the joys and disenchantments, of this day that is behind us. If nerves betrayed me, if selfish impulses dominated me, if I gave way to rancor or sadness, forgive me, Lord! Have pity on me. If I have been unfaithful, if I have spoken words in vain, if I have been carried away by impatience, if I have been a thorn in someone's face, forgive me, Lord! Tonight I don't want to go to sleep without feeling in my soul the security of your mercy, your sweet mercy that is completely free. Sir! I thank you, my father, because you were the cool shadow that covered me all this day. I thank you because, invisible, affectionate and involving, you took care of me like a mother, in all these hours. Sir! Around me everything is already silence and calm. Send the angel of peace to this house, relax my nerves, calm my spirit, release my tensions, flood my being with silence and serenity. Watch over me, dear Father, as I trust myself to sleep, like a child who sleeps happily in your arms. In your name, Lord, I will rest in peace. Amen."

Prayer to sleep with protection

“Dear God, here I am, the day is over, I want to pray, thank you. My love I offer you. I thank you, my God, for everything you, my Lord, have given me. Keep me, my brother, my father and my mother. Thank you, my God, for everything you have given me, you give and will give. Amen. In your name, Lord, I will rest in peace. So be it!"

Prayer to sleep quickly

“Answer me when I cry, O God who does me justice! Give me relief from my anguish. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer. How long will you, O mighty ones, insult my honor? How long will you be loving illusions and looking for lies? Know that the Lord has chosen the godly; the Lord will hear when I call on him. When you get angry, do not sin; when you lie down, reflect on it and be still. Offer sacrifices as God requires and trust in the Lord.
Many ask, “Who will make us enjoy good? ” Make the light of your countenance shine upon us, O Lord! You have filled my heart with joy, a joy greater than that of those who have plenty of wheat and wine. In peace I lie down and then fall asleep, for only you, Lord, make me live in safety. Amen."

Prayer to sleep and wake up well

“Lord Jesus Christ, I submit my mind and activities during sleep to the unique operation of the Holy Spirit. I bind all powers of darkness and forbid them to operate in my sleep or in any part of my subconscious. Lord Jesus, also take care of my unconscious and may I have a blessed sleep and dreams. Amen."

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Bedtime prayer for children

“My guardian angel, sweet companion, do not forsake me, neither by night nor by day. Guardian Angel, my good friend, lead me always along the good path. With God I lie down, with God I rise, with the grace of God and the Holy Spirit. My good Jesus, true Son of the Virgin Mary, accompany me tonight, and all day tomorrow. O my guardian angel, who protects and enlightens me, help me every day to be a good boy. Amen."

prayer to sleep
A3pfamily / Shutterstock

From the bedtime prayers that we present, you will have a much more peaceful night's sleep. Remember to calm your heart and thoughts as you repeat each word, ensuring your body is connected with your mind. However, if insomnia persists, seek medical help. Sleep well!

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