Prayer for forgiveness Seicho-No-Ie

Have you heard of the Seicho-No-Ie forgiveness prayer? Do you know what she can do for your life? But first of all, do you know what forgiveness means? Today we are going to explain to you how this little word can completely transform your life and still make you see the world and your relationships with different eyes. Pay attention to the article and be dazzled by the power of the Seicho-No-Ie forgiveness prayer!

What is forgiveness?

Forgiveness, a short word that can save a troubled soul, full of weights, sorrows and pain. Forgiveness consists of a voluntary and intentional act, in which the victim or the oppressed decides to change their own attitudes and feelings in relation to some offense or harm caused by someone. Those who forgive decide to put aside any kind of negative emotion or sensation and still focus on the ability to wish only good to those who caused them some kind of harm. Forgiving is totally different from apologizing, because those who apologize do not recognize the offender as responsible for the harm caused, while those who forgive are fully aware of the intentions and responsibilities of the other, but even so, decide to take the weight of the pain caused and still promote liberation. of the offender.

Prayer for forgiveness Seicho-No-Ie
Image of ThuyHaBich by Pixabay

How can the practice of forgiveness benefit your life?

Forgiveness is definitely a great healing tool. In the Holy Bible, in the book of Matthew 5:44, Jesus gives one of the most important sermons on the mount: β€œBut I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for who despitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be children of your Father who is in heaven.”

As we read this verse, we human beings were totally amazed at such kindness. But at the time of practice, it can be very difficult to wish good to those who hurt us, right? But there is a big secret behind forgiveness: deliverance. When we suffer some kind of offense or any harm that affects our heart, we automatically assume a posture in which our heart is hardened. We feed grievances and, therefore, we direct our lives to bitterness.

Like Christianity, Seicho-No-Ie is a religion that preaches forgiveness as a gift of life and liberation. It is impossible to achieve certain goals and live free when we are stuck in past issues. Hurt and bitterness are like chains that hold our spirit and prevent us from finding the light. As much as you try to ignore some harm that someone has caused you and your conscious doesn't really remember what happened, your subconscious feeds an irrational hatred that allows all the hurts to accumulate and remain dormant - until the moment when you decide to forgive. And something very important that you may already know but worth emphasizing: the act of not releasing forgiveness only harms the person who doesn't forgive!

To have a pure spirit, all people need to practice forgiveness. Whoever forgives has a light heart, totally free from any guilt or hurt. It can be difficult to forgive others, but it is important to start practicing self-forgiveness. Get rid of blame, everyone makes mistakes! Get rid of bad thoughts, you can direct your mind to the good things in life! Get rid of all your inner resentments and learn to forgive yourself, because then it will be easier to understand that we are all human beings and that whoever hurt you today has already been hurt at some point in life and, just like you, you still don't know the power that forgiveness has.

The Seicho-No-Ie Forgiveness Prayer is a specific prayer to practice forgiveness, because many times we don't achieve what we want, even though we pray often. Before knowing this powerful prayer, understand what the Seicho-No-Ie religion is!

Prayer for forgiveness Seicho-No-Ie
Image by congerdesign by Pixabay

What is the Seicho-No-Ie religion?

Seicho-No-Ie is a religion that was founded in Japan by the spiritual leader Masaharu Taniguchi, on March 1, 1930. More than a religion or doctrine, Seicho-No-Ie is seen as a philosophy of life that teaches love. Its main objective is to make people aware that all human beings are children of God and that through small things like thoughts, gestures and words, the world can be better.

This religion does not respect people, it brings together believers from different religions, as it believes that all doctrines can lead to salvation and that all religions reflect a single God.

Practitioners of Seicho-No-Ie's teachings learn along their trajectory to naturally recognize themselves as children of God, and therefore begin to look at life with good eyes and are transformed from miraculous facts.

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Prayer for forgiveness Seicho-No-Ie
StockSnap Image by Pixabay

Prayer for forgiveness Seicho-No-Ie

I forgave you and you forgave me

you and I are one before God.

I love you and you love me too;

you and I are one before God.

I thank you and you thank me.

Thank you, thank you, thank you…

There is no longer any resentment between us.

I sincerely pray for your happiness.

Be more and more happy...

* * *

God forgives you,

therefore I also forgive you.

* * *

I've forgiven everyone

and I welcome them all with the Love of God.

Likewise, God forgives me mistakes

and welcomes me with His immense love.

* * *

The Love, Peace and Harmony of God

involve me and the other.

I love him and he loves me.

I understand him and he understands me.

There is no misunderstanding between us.

Who loves does not hate,

see no fault, hold no grudge.

To love is to understand the other and not

demand the impossible.

* * *

God forgives you.

Therefore, I also forgive you.

Through the divinity of Seicho-No-Ie,

I forgive and send you waves of love.

I love you.

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