Practice your altruism

    Do you know what altruism is? According to the Michaelis dictionary, this word is the antonym of selfishness and, moreover, it means spontaneous love for one's neighbor; selflessness, philanthropy and proximism. Now, do you remember when you last practiced altruism? Nowadays, where the rush is so much that there is almost no time to do good for ourselves, imagine doing it for our fellow man, right? But do not worry. This may seem difficult, but, in addition to possible, it is also healthier than you think.

    It all starts with “thank you”, “good morning”, “good afternoon” or “good evening” (given with joy, of course). Believe me, this is already the first step to make both yours and your neighbor's day lighter. Understand one thing: we don't live in a bubble. There are millions of people in the world and understanding that our fellow man is a brother, instead of a competitor or a zero on the left, is a damn good thing.

    It's like each of us is a link in a chain. Each part needs the other. And if you feel stronger, help the weaker. He needs you, and when he's strengthened, he'll help the other weakest link until a huge chain of good is formed.

    Practice your altruism

    I hear a lot of people say that society is corrupt, mainly due to corrupt politicians. Okay, so how about starting to do something to change that picture? Do not depend on the government or third parties for this. As the Indian activist Mahatma Gandhi once said, Be the change you want to see in the world.

    You know those clothes you no longer wear and accumulate in your wardrobe? So, donate to some institution that helps needy people, for example. Winter is here, and that's when that blanket left over at your house can save someone from freezing to death. You know that homeless person who is there on the sidewalk of your work? So buy him a lunch box at least one day a week. And these are just a few examples of altruism.

    And aid may not always be material. How many times do we suspect that a person close to us is not well and, for fear of not knowing what to say or out of shame, we omit ourselves. A simple word, hug or gesture can prevent the worst and completely change someone's day for the better.

    Nobody gets anywhere alone. Every human being needs his fellow man. It may even be a cliché, but unity is strength and it is much better to build bridges than walls between us.

    Text written by Diego Rennan from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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