Power animals: Wolf

Have you ever felt deeply connected to an animal? According to shamanism, we all have a power animal, that is, an animal that inspires us and has valuable teachings that we can learn to become better people.

But what, specifically, is a power animal? And what does it mean to have the wolf as a power animal? How can I connect to it? Clear all these doubts in this article!

What is a power animal?

Shamanism is a way of life that unites man with nature, trying to promote harmony between them and make the human being absorb characteristics of what is natural for himself. According to shamanism, all people have three power totems, each associated with one of the three kingdoms of nature: Animal, Plant, and Stone. These totems, according to this philosophy of life, help us to know ourselves better and direct our thoughts and feelings towards changes that we need to make in life or just indicating that we are in the right direction.

Power animals: Wolf
Susan Richey-Schmitz / 123RF

The power animal, which represents our Animal totem, is an archetype of our personality. This means that he is something more spiritual than rational or logical. It is not a personality test, but an indication of which traits we should work on in order to live a more harmonious life. It is, finally, a symbol of the energies that are inside us - many of them dormant - and that can be used in our favor.

Wolf as a power animal

You have a wild spirit. This is the main indication of the wolf as a power animal. This means, among other things, that you need to connect with the wolf to assimilate concepts such as freedom, courage and willingness to face the most diverse dangers.

Few people know, but one of the main characteristics of the wolf β€” of the pack, to be more specific β€” is organization. Wolves, when united, define a hierarchy that is highly respected, because they are animals that highly value concepts such as balance and harmony. Discipline is also a very striking trait in the wolf's personality, which can be assimilated by anyone who has him as a power animal.

You must have heard the expression β€œlone wolf” for someone who does something very well, but completely alone, right? Although they always prefer to be in a group and respect the hierarchy and discipline of the pack, wolves do very well even when they have to face dangers and adventures alone, because they are animals that love the collective, but have a great sense of independence.

Power animals: Wolf
Juanjo Menta / Pexels

Although not impressive for its size, the wolf is feared for the force of its bite and the speed with which it moves. Also, because of their howl, wolves make themselves known to all animals, another trait you can absorb by connecting to him if he is your power animal. Having your existence noticed can be important and rewarding, and the wolf can teach that.

Wolves are quite wise. Although they roam in packs and often encounter outnumbered potential prey that could be attacked and overcome, they prefer to avoid unnecessary combat and forgo fighting unless it is strictly necessary, such as when they need to feed or defend themselves from an atack. In such cases, they are ruthless and do not think twice about advancing on their opponents.

Finally, having the wolf as a power animal is a good opportunity to learn the importance of the collective, but, at the same time, the need to develop individuality, because we never know when we will be together or alone. Discipline is another thing we can absorb from the wolf, as well as organization and wisdom to know when to attack, when to retreat, and when to take a stand. Finally, being noticed is another trait we can learn from these fascinating canids.

How do I find my power animal?

Unlike your sign in the Zodiac or the Chinese Horoscope, for example, it is not possible to know what your animal is without consulting a shaman master, who will promote your meeting with your Animal totem. So don't take tests online to find out what your power animal is.

Power animals: Wolf

When they do this, it ends up that people simply take a test or quiz several times to choose an animal they feel affinity or admiration for and end up working on an animal that is not their true power animal, which can be a great mishap in the journey of self-knowledge and finding harmony in your spirituality. After discovering that this was not your true power animal, feelings such as frustration and disillusionment may arise.

Contrary to what many think, there are no β€œworse” or β€œbetter” power animals than others. Yes, many people would love to have the lion or the eagle, symbols of strength, in common sense, as power animals, but these two animals are just as important, for example, as the hippopotamus or the giraffe.

And how do I connect with my power animal?

Connecting with your power animal is an individual and unique process. After being guided by a shaman master and finding out what your power animal is, he will guide you in your first contact with the animal and what you need to do in this initial encounter. Communicating with your animal and getting it used to your presence is essential for you to walk a journey of self-knowledge together.

It is very important not to try to make the first contact with your power animal alone, without being guided by a master shaman, because you could end up scaring the animal. After this initial encounter, the master shaman will give you advice on how to connect with him. But know that this is an individual process and that you are the one who will find the best way to do it.

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One tip we can do is meditation. When we close our eyes and imagine ourselves in the wild, finding the power animal becomes easier. You can try to imagine yourself approaching him and having visual and physical contact with him, but you can also imagine yourself, for example, in his skin, facing the dangers of the forest or the savannah, hunting to survive, and so on. The important thing is that you feel connected to it and understand what pleases you, such as certain incense or clothing for moments of meditation and connection.

For other tips on connecting with your power animal, consult a shaman master and ask him for guidance, because he is the person most prepared to be your guide on this path of attunement with your Animal totem.

The wolf is, in short, a great power animal, as it is synonymous with organization, discipline and a sense of collectivity, without losing sight of the importance of individuality. Ask a shaman master for guidance to learn how to connect with the wolf, if he is his power animal, and absorb the teachings he can give you.

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