Power animals: The whale

Do you have a favorite animal or an animal you feel connected to in some way? According to shamanism, all people have a power animal, which is responsible for determining some of the characteristics that we should absorb in our personality, helping us to become better people.

But what is a power animal? What is the meaning of having the whale as a power animal? How can you connect to it? The time has come to clear all your doubts!

What is a power animal?

Power animals correspond to a theory related to shamanism, which is a way of life that preaches that man and nature are one. When they live in harmony, both survive and absorb positive characteristics from the other, guaranteeing balance to the world. According to shamanism, all people have three power totems, each associated with one of the three kingdoms of nature: Plant, Stone, and Animal. These totems help us in our self-knowledge processes and help in directing our feelings and thoughts towards the changes we want to make and the paths we would like to follow.

The Animal totem is also known as a power animal, which is nothing more than an archetype of our personality. It's a spiritual concept, not something logical, like a personality test. It is, therefore, another indication of the traits that we need to develop and work on so that it is possible to live a more harmonious life. It represents, therefore, a symbol of the energies that are hidden within us and that, if discovered, we can become capable of achieving much more in life.

The whale

Due to its quite large size, the whale is always associated with a guardian of the seas, which protects and defends its space with its strength and grandeur. In addition to its size, another fact that relates it to this is its longevity, as whales, depending on the species, can be over 100 years old if they are not killed by unnatural causes. One who has the whale as a power animal, therefore, needs to be very attentive to his memory and the accumulation of experience and knowledge, which are associated with advancing age.

Unlike sharks and other deep-sea beings and despite their size, which would easily help them to win a conflict, whales are extremely peaceful and avoid confrontation with other fish or humans as much as possible. When provoked or attacked, however, they are capable of defending themselves ruthlessly, that is, the whale as an animal of power teaches that acting peacefully is always the ideal to avoid conflicts, but, in the face of conflicts, it is best to defend itself properly.

Power animals: The whale
Todd Cravens / Unsplash

Although this feature is little known, whales are great communicators. Many species can communicate with each other from more than a kilometer away. This is allied, obviously, to a great sense of community among the whales, as they are always trying to alert themselves and indicate to their companions that there is danger on the way or that there is food in a certain location. Valuing communication and strengthening ties with loved ones, therefore, is very important for those who have the whale as an animal of power.

Many indigenous cultures from which shamanism originated consider the whale a sign of good or bad luck, depending on how it presents itself. When someone is watching the sea or the horizon and a whale suddenly appears, this is a sign of good luck, whereas seeing a whale suffering or stranded indicates misfortune. Therefore, the presence of the one who has the whale as a power animal can change other people's moods and lives.

Power animals: The whale
Elle Hughes / Pexels

Whales, unlike smaller fish, do not spend most of their lives and days swimming close to the surface. Instead, she prefers the sea floor and is able to withstand the pressure of it, unlike other marine beings and us humans. This characteristic is connected to the ability of those who have the whale as an animal to be able to withstand, overcome and grow in the face of situations that represent pressure.

Finally, just like whales, the people represented by this power animal tend to prefer a solitary life, away from turmoil, conflict and even other human beings. Despite this, they are extremely sensitive and, precisely because they are more solitary, their appearance is quite significant and valued.

How do I find my power animal?

Finding your power animal is a little more complicated than finding your zodiac sign or Chinese zodiac sign, for example, for which you only need your date of birth. If you want to find out what your power animal is, you need to consult a shaman master, who is the only one who can arrange an encounter with your Animal totem.

In the eagerness and curiosity to find out what their power animal is, many people end up using online tests or a quiz. There are even those who simply choose an animal with whom they have an affinity, but that is not how it works, since shamanism requires the connection of the human being with nature. A shaman master is the only one who can initiate you into this connection with nature, helping you to get in touch with your power animal and learn from it.

Power animals: The whale
Elena Olesik / Pexels

Many people think that having lion and tiger as power animals is the best option, because they are synonymous with strength and courage. Animals, however, have different meanings for those who practice shamanism, so be willing to understand that there is no โ€œbetterโ€ or โ€œworseโ€ power animal than another.

And how do I connect with my power animal?

As a spiritual experience, connecting with your power animal is a unique and individual process. The moment your shaman master guides you towards meeting your power animal, he will guide you as to what you need to do to keep that connection alive after the initial contact, because you often connect with your animal. of power is what will keep your relationship alive.

When making this first contact without the help of a shaman master, you may become frustrated or not understand how contact with a power animal works or you may even spiritually frighten it. Ask your shaman master for advice and help on how to stay connected to your power animal.

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As a tip, we can recommend meditation. The moment we close our eyes and โ€œshut upโ€ our thoughts, it is easier to enter into spiritual fullness and, consequently, to get in touch with all that is spiritual. You can, in the process of meditation, imagine yourself in the skin of your power animal, for example, hunting or running through the woods like him, flying or swimming. Anyway, this is up to your imagination and what strengthens the bond between you. The fact of imagining yourself and approaching him and interacting with him is also another good tip for moments of meditation.

Having the whale as an animal of power is, among other things, understanding that having strength does not mean using it to be aggressive, but keeping oneself in peace. The whale also guides a harmonious life in solitude and guides towards a sense of community and caring for others. Connect with your power animal to live more fully!

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