Power animals: Snake

"I'm sure this animal is my spirit animal!"

Have you ever heard someone talking like that? As much as this is usually a joke, according to shamanism, we all have a power animal, which, in short, is an animal that inspires us and points out the paths we should follow in life.

But what exactly is a power animal? What is the meaning of having the snake as a power animal? How is it possible to connect to it? Read this article and clear all your doubts!

What is a power animal?

To understand what a power animal is, you need to understand what shamanism is. Shamanism is a way of life, not a religion. He preaches that man and nature are one and must be integrated to benefit humanity as well as the environment. According to this theory, all humans have three power totems, and each totem is related to one of three natural kingdoms: Stones, Plants, and Animals. According to this philosophy, these totems help us to recognize ourselves and guide our thoughts, feelings and actions towards the changes we need to make in our lives.

Animal totems are also called power animals. And they are nothing more than an archetype of who we are and how we behave. This is a spiritual concept, not a logical concept like a personality test. Therefore, the power animal works more as a guide for us to develop and work towards a more harmonious life. Finally, it represents the symbol of the hidden energy in our body that, if discovered, will make us achieve greater achievements in life.

How do I find my power animal?

Don't take online quizzes and don't rely on internet tests. Unlike zodiac signs or Chinese horoscopes, which are found based solely on date of birth, the process of discovering power animals is much more complicated because it includes consulting a master shaman, who is the only guide who can reveal which one. animal is your power animal.

Power animals: Snake
jplenio / Pixabay

If you just pick an animal at random or believe some test you found on the internet, you'll end up wasting time and energy on an animal that really has nothing to do with you, which can be frustrating and disappointing. Therefore, to avoid this deception, consult a shaman master so that he can guide you to your power animal and avoid disappointment and the feeling of having been deceived.

Many people believe that, for example, it is better to have a lion as a power animal than a butterfly, because in our culture, lion is synonymous with power and butterfly is purely synonymous with delicacy. But the fact is that shamanism, for all animals, has other meanings. It takes deconstructing what you think about animals to understand how power animals affect you.

Snake as a power animal

One of the main characteristics of the snake is that it is always shedding its skin, which indicates that the person who has the snake as a power animal is someone who needs to undergo transformations so that he can follow his path in a harmonious way. In addition, this change of skin also represents a renewal, a constant leaving behind the past so that it is possible to live the new. One who has this power animal, therefore, not only does not fear changes and transformations, but also understands them as necessary.

Despite always changing its skin to carry out this process of constant renewal, the snake maintains its essence, that is, its body, its shape and its main characteristics, changing only the outside and what is on the surface. So this message also comes strong for those who have the snake as an animal of power: even going through many transformations in life, don't forget your essence and who you are internally.

A changing characteristic of the snake is that, in addition to shedding its skin and undergoing this transformation of the physical body, it camouflages itself very well with the environment, which is why snake attacks often take people by surprise, as they integrate so much into the surroundings they pass through as if they were part of it. So this is a characteristic that is very much a part of those who have the snake as an animal of power: the ability to adapt and integrate into the surrounding environment.

Power animals: Snake
photosebia / 123RF

Known as sneaky, unpredictable and treacherous, the snake usually causes fear in other animals - and in humans, of course - for having this combination of intelligence with physical aptitudes that make it an animal extremely capable of achieving its goals, such as hunting. And this is how the one who has the snake as a power animal behaves in life: preferring silence and discretion, but always keeping an eye on his goal, revealing it only when he is close to achieving it.

Another fame carried by the snake is that of temptation, since, in the biblical story, it is the animal chosen by the devil to tempt Adam and Eve. But shamanism has nothing to do with Christianity, so this meaning of the snake as an animal that symbolizes temptation does not apply to the power animal. Despite this, shamanism does consider the snake an animal of power that brings to those represented by it abilities and skills of persuasion and good communication.

Finally, the snake is an animal that crawls on the ground, which is a symbolism for the person who has it as a power animal to be aware of the places where it walks. This attention does not refer to the dangers of the places where you walk, but to the care you have with the places you walk, because it will probably be necessary to go through there again - and very close to the ground, since the snake crawls. This is, in short, a metaphor that indicates that people with this power animal need to be careful not to act negligently in their relationships and in the situations they enter.

And how do I connect with my power animal?

As a spiritual experience, connecting with your power animal is a unique and individual process. The moment your shaman master guides you towards meeting your power animal, he will guide you as to what you need to do to keep that connection alive after the initial contact, because connecting frequently with your power animal is what will keep your relationship alive.

If you make this first contact without the help of a shaman master, you may end up frustrated or not understanding how contact with a power animal works or you may even end up spiritually scaring your power animal. Ask your shaman master for advice and help on how to stay connected to your power animal.

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As a tip, we can recommend meditation. The moment we close our eyes and β€œshut up” our thoughts, it is easier to enter into spiritual fullness and, consequently, to get in touch with all that is spiritual. You can, in the process of meditation, imagine yourself in the skin of your power animal, for example, hunting or running through the woods like him, flying or swimming... Anyway, it's up to your imagination and what to strengthen the bond between you. Imagining yourself approaching him and interacting with him is also another good tip for meditation times.

Anyway, having the snake as a power animal is an indication that you are a person who will go through many changes in life, but that this will not be negative, since changes and transformations are almost necessary for you to live a healthy life. . Use your cunning and intelligence to your advantage and connect with your power animal whenever possible.

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