Power animals: frog

Have you ever heard that we all have an “animal spirit”? According to shamanism, all people are spiritually connected to a different animal species, so discovering which creature this is is essential in our process of self-knowledge.

But what exactly is a power animal? What can the frog, if it is your power animal, teach you? How to connect to it? Clear all these doubts in this article!

What is a power animal?

Shamanism is a way of life that unites man with nature, trying to promote harmony between them and make the human being absorb characteristics of what is natural for himself. According to shamanism, all people have three power totems, each associated with one of the three kingdoms of nature: Animal, Plant, and Stone. These totems, according to this philosophy of life, help us to know ourselves better and direct our thoughts and feelings towards changes that we need to make in life or just indicating that we are in the right direction.

The power animal, which represents our Animal totem, is an archetype of our personality. This means that he is something more spiritual than rational or logical. It is not a personality test, but an indication of which traits we should work on in order to live a more harmonious life. It is, finally, a symbol of the energies that are inside us - many of them dormant - and that can be used in our favor.

The frog as a power animal

One of the frog's main characteristics as a power animal is its quest for purity—especially purity of intentions. The frog is an amphibious animal, that is, it spends most of its life in water, known as the maximum symbol of purity, absolute nutrient for this animal, in addition to its “residence”. Despite having their home in the water, they do very well as adults, when they migrate to land and begin to walk outside the aquatic environment.

Water is used by us in various situations related to cleanliness and comfort. It is with water that we clean an open wound, it is with water that we wash our dirty hands, it is with water that we wash the house, the body during the bath or natural foods before eating them. Finally, water is responsible for almost all the cleaning processes that are part of our daily lives. So having an amphibious animal as a power animal brings all that purity and clean water quality to life.

Power animals: frog
Egor Kamelev / Pexels

And it is precisely from this that another very important characteristic of the frog as an animal of power comes from: a very great capacity for resilience and for adapting to whatever the environment, since it is an animal that transits both water and land, always in search of food and better living conditions. The person who is influenced by this power animal, therefore, has (or can develop) a great ability to adapt to conditions that seem, at first, adverse.

What happens when we mix soil and water? mud, right? Mud is widely used in skin cleansing treatments and to eliminate toxins from the body, so the frog also brings this symbolism of cleansing and conserving the body by natural means. Those who are influenced by the frog as a power animal, if they connect to it often, may be able to eliminate toxins and other ills from the body from this spiritual encounter.

If you have lived in a city in the interior or in a place where there is an abundant presence of frogs, you know that they tend to come out of ponds and rivers in large numbers when there is climate change and rainy periods are approaching, that is why they are known as “messengers”. of the rain”, as if they bring the rain the moment they come out of the water. As rain usually purifies, renews and brings relief to dry periods, there is a need for constant renewal and freshness in the lives of those who are influenced by the frog as a power animal.

Power animals: frog
PublicDomainPictures / Pixabay

Finally, frogs are known to be very independent animals and even survivors, as the parents don't tend to take very close care of the young and eggs. The most common process is for them to mate, lay eggs and just go on with their lives. Therefore, a frog that has just been born needs to understand the world and its dangers for itself, without the help of anyone. It helps to make people who have this power animal quite survivable and independent.

How do I find my power animal?

Don't take online quiz, don't rely on internet tests. Unlike your zodiac sign or Chinese horoscope, for example, which you can only discover with your date of birth, discovering your power animal is a little more complex, because it includes consulting a shaman master, the only possible guide to reveal what your power animal is.

If you just pick an animal at random or rely on any test done on the internet, you will end up investing your time and energy in an animal that is not truly your power animal, which can be quite frustrating and disappointing. To avoid this kind of deception, consult a shaman master, so that he guides your path towards your power animal and avoids delusion and that you have the feeling that you have been deceived.

Many people imagine that having a lion, for example, as a power animal is much better than having a butterfly, since one seems to us synonymous with strength and the other, with pure delicacy. But the truth is that shamanism has other meanings for each of the animals, so you need to reframe what you already know to understand how these animals influence you.

And how do I connect with my power animal?

As a spiritual experience, connecting with your power animal is a unique and individual process. The moment your shaman master guides you towards meeting your power animal, he will guide you as to what you need to do to keep that connection alive after the initial contact, because you often connect with your animal. of power is what will keep your relationship alive.

If you make this first contact without the help of a shaman master, you may end up frustrated or not understanding how contact with a power animal works or you may even end up spiritually scaring your power animal. Ask your shaman master for advice and help on how to stay connected to your power animal.

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As a tip, we can recommend meditation. The moment we close our eyes and “shut up” our thoughts, it is easier to enter into spiritual fullness and, consequently, to get in touch with all that is spiritual. You can, in the process of meditation, imagine yourself in the skin of your power animal, for example, hunting or running through the woods like him, flying or swimming... Anyway, it's up to your imagination and what to strengthen the bond between you. Imagining yourself approaching him and interacting with him is also another good tip for meditation times.

Having the frog as a power animal is, above all, a symbol of purity and the ability to clean and purify the water, where the frog spends most of its life. In addition, it comes with the ability to combine the best of both worlds, as the frog travels a lot on land as well. Finally, it brings the survivability that frogs need to learn to deal with the world on their own forever. Connect with your power animal to live more fully!

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