Power animals: Bear

Have you ever felt deeply connected to an animal? According to shamanism, we all have a power animal, that is, an animal that inspires us and has valuable teachings that teach us how to become better people.

What, specifically, is a power animal? And what does it mean to have the bear as a power animal? How can I connect to it? Clear all these doubts in this article!

What is a power animal?

Power animals are a theory related to shamanism, which is a way of life that preaches that man and nature are one. When they live in harmony, both survive and absorb positive characteristics from the other, guaranteeing balance to the world. According to shamanism, all people have three power totems, each associated with one of the three kingdoms of nature: Plant, Stone and Animal. These totems help us in our self-knowledge processes and collaborate to direct our feelings and thoughts towards the changes we want to make and the paths we would like to follow.

The Animal totem is known as a power animal, which is nothing more than an archetype of our personality. It's a spiritual concept, not something logical, like a personality test. It is, therefore, another indication of the traits that we need to develop and work on so that it is possible to live a more harmonious life. Finally, it represents a symbol of the energies that are hidden inside us and that, if discovered, we can become capable of achieving much more in life.

The bear as a power animal

Did you know that the bear was one of the first animals to be worshiped as gods by humans, according to the records we have access to today? In the Celtic tradition (people who lived in what is now Ireland), the Primal Mother, that is, the creature that gave rise to everything, was a protective and fierce bear. Many native tribes, therefore, see this mammal as an animal worthy of worship, as it incorporates some of the main characteristics necessary for survival: physical strength, large size, respect for other species, protection of young, among others. Thus, those who are influenced by this power animal are often people with multiple qualities and prepared to stand out, regardless of what they get involved in.

Power animals: Bear
Janko Ferlic / Pexels

The figure of the mother bear who attacks a human being because she feels that her cubs are being threatened by him is also well known and is part of Western culture. Bears are extremely protective of their space and their young, so it is rare for them to tolerate having their space invaded by a stranger, especially if they consider the stranger to be putting their offspring at risk. When they are not put at risk, nor do they feel their cubs being threatened, it is unlikely that a bear will suddenly attack a human being. This protection (and a certain jealousy) with those around them is something quite present in people with the bear as a power animal.

Another well-known characteristic of the bear is its need to hibernate. In the long winter months, when there is little food available and the need for shelter is even more poignant, bears often go into hibernation and sleep during the coldest season of the year, sometimes from the beginning to the end of it. This demonstrates that bears know their limits, despite their size, and that they act recklessly, avoiding exposing themselves to risks that are certainly unnecessary. This trait is also quite present in people who have the bear as a power animal, as they tend to act with great caution and prudence, valuing their comfort and safety above adventures and the possibility of difficulties.

One of the bear's most important physiological processes is digestion, which is so necessary when he needs to hibernate and get energy only from certain foods he has consumed before starting his long sleep. Bears manage, by managing their temperature, also manage the functioning of their stomach, so they control their digestion well. People who have this animal as a power animal also do this very well, as they control the time they need to β€œdigest” certain events or relationships with people. This control is essential for them to live a healthy emotional, sentimental and psychological life.

Another fact little known by those who do not usually travel in nature is that bears give birth to their cubs while they sleep, unlike the painful childbirth of women, for example. This is another characteristic that influences people who have the bear as a power animal: an almost unshakable calm to carry out their activities, even those that cause pain, discomfort and concern, as is the case with the bear when she is giving birth.

Power animals: Bear
Felix mittermeier / Pexels

Despite being endowed with extreme physical strength, bears are recognized for another type of intelligence: they learn from an early age to distinguish which "battles" are worth it and which we just have to put aside because they will not be worth the effort. When he retires for winter hibernation, he recognizes that the fight for survival in this season is beyond his capacity, so he avoids conflicts with other animals, especially if he is accompanied by his young. This characteristic, of course, passes on to people who have the bear as a power animal, as they are endowed with the ability to distinguish which fights are worth fighting.

How do I find my power animal?

Don't take online quiz, don't rely on internet tests. Unlike your zodiac sign or Chinese horoscope, for example, which you only discover with your date of birth, discovering your power animal is a little more complex, because it includes consulting a shaman master, the only possible guide to reveal what your power animal is.

If you just pick an animal at random or rely on any test done on the internet, you will end up investing your time and energy in an animal that is not truly your power animal, which can be quite frustrating and disappointing. To avoid this kind of deception, therefore, consult a shaman master, so that he guides your path towards your power animal and avoids delusion and that you have the feeling that you have been deceived.

Many people imagine that having a lion, for example, as a power animal is much better than having a butterfly, since the first one seems to us synonymous with strength and the other, with pure delicacy. The truth, however, is that shamanism has other meanings for each of the animals, so you need to reframe what you already know to understand how these animals influence you.

And how do I connect with my power animal?

When you consult a shaman master, he will promote your first spiritual encounter with your power animal. That's why it's important to make this initial contact in the presence of a shaman master, as you could end up scaring this animal, which will make the next meeting difficult. After getting you started in connecting with your power animal, the master shaman will give you advice that will indicate how you can communicate with him.

Power animals: Bear
Larisa Koshkina / Pixabay

Know, however, that the journey of connection and harmony with your power animal is very individual and unique. That way, it's only you, little by little, as you come into contact with him, who will be able to determine what works, what pleases you and what pleases the animal. Do not forget that there is nothing rational and logical about the power animal. This is a spiritual connection, so it should be treated as such.

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As you bond with your power animal, you will gradually assimilate the teachings and advice he can give you, how you can please him and what shakes the connection you are developing.

The master shaman is the best advisor to indicate how to connect to your power animal. There is, however, a simpler way, which is meditation, as its practice allows infinite possibilities, such as projecting an approximation with the animal and a contact between you and him or, for example, imagining yourself in his skin, facing the dangers of the forest, hunting and trying to survive, which will highlight some of its main characteristics.

Having the bear as a power animal, in short, is recognizing its strength in the physical sense, but understanding the psychological strength of distinguishing which battles need to be fought and which can be avoided. It's protecting your people above all, not forgetting your haughtiness and your ability to impose yourself as a leadership figure. If you have the bear as a power animal, connect with him to receive the full benefits of this beautiful spiritual relationship.

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