Play the game!

    Beloved! The game is being played and we are now in the final moves. This means that there is little time left for each player to decide which trumps are useful to them. The pieces on the board move and many will be removed. The shadows command the dark pieces and the Light plays with the transparency of its light pieces. It is the game between Light and Shadow to define who will rule this Planet from now on.

    Players cannot yet see the end result, but those who have stepped forward through consciousness expansion know that the game is over. They also know what the result was. And it was so great that you can now enjoy watching REPLAY comfortably in an armchair.

    It is true! Such a grand spectacle encourages you to review it countless times, even if you already know its end. In the higher Planes, everything is already future. Unlike dense matter, where the illusory holography of strife still predominates. There at the highest frequency, the New Earth already reigns with its ascended humanity.

    The Fifth Dimension is already a reality on this Planet. But the narrow door that gives way to it is still an obstacle. Even so, every day, more and more incarnated souls achieve the necessary degree of consciousness, which allows them to enter the multidimensional passage.

    All signs, all symptoms and all current situations are being illuminated so that you can see where that door is. That's where you need to go. The Light guides you in confidence and in the certainty of direction. The Shadow, on the other hand, tries to deceive you, showing dubious paths, where fear, uncertainty and mistrust predominate.

    It is the game of duality that has reigned for all time on this beautiful School Planet. The Soul Fractals who came here in order to learn the game in duality knew in advance what they should be subject to. They accepted all of them as the experience gained here will give them the opportunity to guide other evolving worlds in posterity.

    While the Light guides its allies, the Shadow does the opposite. Fight all the time to dodge some players and form your team too. And it always aims to take out the best players. They know that a simple fan does not mean a great player. The fans play little, even if they always have a lot of affinity with their team. It just contributes your energy and your vibration.

    You came to be a player for the Luz team. The veil of forgetfulness does not allow you to remember, but your heart has not forgotten. It still holds the thread that connects you to Source and your HIGHER SELF. That's where your commander is, who is also the leader and coach of Team da Luz. You just need to follow the command that comes from there. By doing this, there is no risk of losing the game.

    PLAY THE GAME! You know what it came to! Even if your conscience doesn't remember, you are a great star of this team. That's why the opponent wants you on his team. For many millennia, he has tried to persuade you to change sides. Bluffs, makes thousands of proposals, tries to confuse and deceive you. And when he sees he can't, he tries to destroy you. Or at least immobilize you.

    Play the game!
     Virgil Cayasa / Unsplash

    If before you were disturbed by the difficulties imposed by the Shadow, now everything starts to clear up, because every day the visibility of your consciousness increases. This makes you sure of the actions you still need to perform. These are the last minutes of the great game of life on this edge of the Galaxy. It's not long… very little!

    You won! The Light team won! That's why we say the LIGHT WON! Now the rules and Divine Laws no longer allow them to steal from their players. Not anymore at this point in the game. Of course, there are still players in the midst of difficult matches. Others may still be in their infancy. They are the laggards. These are still at great risk of being persuaded and integrated into the dark team. But you have already passed the line marked out by the great Celestial Trainer.

    Now your consciousness is already higher. High enough not to be convinced by the opponent that he played the dirty game all along. Now it's up to you to decide for yourself. And you will know how to do it with Mastery. PLAY THE GAME!

    PLAY THE GAME WITH SURE TO WIN! Now, you have time! All the time you need! Whoever has the unfavorable score needs to race against time. And time runs out quickly! That's why the opposing team is in despair. Don't loosen the reins now. Even if you need to have compassion for your opponent, keep your eyes fixed on the finish line. There's your last objective.

    PLAY THE GAME WITH SMOOTH AND DECENCE. You don't have to bluff. Bluffing has always been a ruse of the Shadow Team. Many fell into the trap, but you were not fooled by his tempting proposals. It wasn't easy, but your perseverance and your obstinacy for the truth and justice of all things were worth it. You gave up many facilities to be able to play with the collective of Light. Now it's time to celebrate the results.

    PLAY THE GAME! Pretend that you still have to subject yourself to their attempts. Don't discuss the rules anymore, because now they don't even work anymore. The game is over! You won! Do not join the defeated to embitter defeat. Celebrate what elevates you so much right now. Just respect the opponent, as big winners do. Don't gloat over the losers. Be big! Great as is your Soul, which now integrates with its higher versions.

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    PLAY THE GAME! Reap the fruits of your efforts! Feel the taste of victory! Many will not have that pleasure here on this Planet Earth. So play the game even if it's just a "make-believe" now. The opposing team still spits out the saliva of hatred for not being able to beat Team da Luz, but whenever there are disputes, there will be winners and losers. Or it wouldn't be a game. But in all Schools of Duality, the game will always be between the polarities. What makes the difference is always the choice of each player. It's not enough just to know how to play; You have to know how to choose the side that always wins. And that side is always the Light side!

    PLAY THE GAME, BUT DON'T TRIPUDE OF THE OPPONENT. HE DESERVES COMPASSION BECAUSE THE DEFEAT IS ALREADY TOO PAINFUL! It is the bitter burden of those who do not know how to make the best choices.

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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