Plant the moon – Rescue of the red tent tradition

    In ancient times, women gathered in their red tents to honor the sacred time of menstruation. The elders passed on their knowledge to the younger ones in the tent and they all shared ancient secrets, rituals and teachings. This tradition was abandoned over the years, due to the rush and disconnection with the body itself. Today, we are in a process of rescuing these rituals from the red tent and the main one is to β€œplant” the moon. By returning our blood to the earth, we reconnect with our roots and especially with all the sacred that dwells within us. It is as if we closed a cycle, revering all the transformations, achievements and learnings and opening ourselves, in gratitude, to the next cycle.

    To perform the ritual to plant your moon, it is enough to have an agate, ceramic or clay jug and collect the blood during the menstrual period, preferably on the first or second day of the cycle. For the woman who uses the menstrual cup, just put the collected blood inside the jar. For those who use a common absorbent, the collection must be carried out during the bath and for women who opted for ecological cloths or absorbents, just leave them soaking for a few minutes in the jug with clean water. It is important that in any of the collection situations, the blood is mixed with some clean water.

    Plant the moon – Rescue of the red tent tradition

    After collecting the blood, just choose a plant to water, you can choose the plant that has the most affinity. The most common are: lavender, lavender, rosemary, artemisia and flowers. It is important to water the same plant every month, so the connection will be even greater. Before watering the chosen plant, it is important to calm the mind and heart, connecting with the sacred moment. As this plant will have great strength with you, it is very interesting to meditate next to it every day, transforming this moment into something renewing and strengthening.

    For women who do not bleed anymore (menopause) or those who have not yet had their first menstruation, the plant can be watered with rose water or simply clean water, intending to renew and thanking you for the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. In this case, this ritual can be performed during the New Moon.

    Planting the moon brings several benefits to a woman's physical, emotional and energetic health. Among the benefits, the reduction of some discomforts such as colic, PMS, polycystic ovaries, fibroids among others. Undoubtedly, the biggest one is the reconnection with the internal and external nature.

    To plant the moon is to fertilize the soil with gratitude and respect.

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