Planning Tips for New Year's Resolutions

Are you the type who likes to plan for the year ahead? Well, today we brought something that can be very useful for this planning: the methods! We all hope that the following year, in this case 2020, can be a year full of achievements and positive things. Of course, negative aspects will always arise. What transforms them is the way we look at them.

Anyway, we have just really gotten into the Christmas spirit and soon we will be experiencing the magic of the New Year. First of all, if you had a plan for the current year, how did it develop? Have you gone in search of your dreams and goals? Well, it's no use putting together a big list and not taking a step to conquer what's described there, right?

Then learn about planning methods for your new year and tips that will help you stay committed to everything you've planned. Always remember that when we have well-defined goals and objectives, we can conquer everything.

planning methods

Planning Tips for New Year's Resolutions
Estée Janssens / Unsplash

First of all, know that the ideal thing is that you put on paper only what is important. You should always prioritize what makes you happy and what there are possibilities to achieve. It's no use setting goals that are completely out of your reality, because you'll end up overloading yourself to conquer them. Here are some note taking tips!

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Planning Tips for New Year's Resolutions
Glenn Carstens-Peters/Unsplash

If you have a notebook that's not far from you, it's the best choice for your list. It is very common with the change of year for people to buy new notebooks. If this is the case, leave the first sheet to create your precious list.

Include in it the things you most want to achieve. As previously explained, things that are within your reality. Do not include goals that depend on others, as this will be even more difficult, since it depends on someone else as well.

As you may know, words have power. If last year you made an enumerated list, for example, why don't you make one of this model for the next year?

wish 1
wish 2
wish 3
And so on….

In this way, it becomes much clearer to you and to the universe that everything that is there is emanating a frequency of realizations. If you want to do it, you will do it!

post-it notes

Planning Tips for New Year's Resolutions
Patrick Perkins / Unsplash

This is one of the coolest ways to put your wishes for the coming year and it's all very simple. Instead of making a list in your notebook, you will simply write down your wishes on post-its and paste them in a place of your choosing. This method is very practical, after all, when reaching a goal, all you have to do is tear off the post-it.

It is also very interesting that you keep the post-its of the achievements so that you can see what you have achieved. A very interesting tip is that you can place them in a specific place and with different colors, for example: the green ones will be the first ones, the pinks will be the second ones, the yellow ones will be the third ones, etc.


Planning Tips for New Year's Resolutions
Eric Rothermel / Unsplash

These notebooks already assembled for your daily tasks can be very useful for writing down your initial wishes for the year. Using a planner is no secret: you will simply use the blank spaces inside it. There are different types of planners, so you should choose the one that is right for you.

Annual, monthly or daily tasks? You can find all the models in different places… that part is up to you!

How to conquer everything that is being desired?

Planning Tips for New Year's Resolutions
Karolina Grabowska / Pexels

Now that we've given you some good tips on note-taking methods for making wishes come true, you need to keep a few things in mind so that you can make them come true. One of them is commitment! If you are committed to accomplishing everything you want, you will get it. When we direct our thoughts to what we want, we realize that we have all the strength necessary to conquer what we want.

Another very important point is positivity. If you just wrote down what you wanted but you already have doubts about getting it or not, the chances of not getting it are great. So always seek to keep a positive mind and also positive actions. The universe is ruled by energy. If he senses negativity in you, nothing will happen. This is not just for your desires, but for everything in life.

Seek to invest your money in what is worth it. We believe that a lot of things that have been put as a wish can demand a little money. So try to use your money as much as it's worth! If you have a desire that depends on money, what can you put aside for you to invest later that will help you conquer it?

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Finally, make it happen. It truly covers itself! You have this power and you will be able to start moving the world to conquer your desires. Whenever you can, think about what you are doing so that what you want actually happens. Don't let little things get in the way of your dreams. Just look ahead and conquer them.

Give yourself a reward

If you were able to move the world to achieve what you intended, give yourself a gift. Of course, just conquering you should be very happy, but be sure to celebrate! When we celebrate, whether it's going to the beach, drinking wine or meditating, we transmit the energy of gratitude. Well, if you know this energy, you know how powerful it is!

Well, we hope you have a great end of the year and that everything you can really achieve in your life. This is the moment of love, joy and your achievements. You will get it!

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