Planetary Transition – Life calls for renewal

    How would you define your life right now? What scares you, what motivates you? What makes you move? Has it been difficult to move? There are so many paths, so many directions to follow, choosing the right one seems like a very difficult task, often impossible.

    But there is a new energy hovering all over the air, an energy that emanates from the source of the Indivisible Being that orders everything. This new energy has been around and permeating our lives for a long time, however these days this energy intensifies, because the time has come. Life like this invites you to review, review your values, your actions. An invitation to renewal.

    Planetary Transition – Life calls for renewal

    It is not easy to accept change. It comes and however consciously we may smile at it, in the deep and hidden parts of our personality we resist this transformation. It is difficult to understand and especially to accept this. Change most often comes loaded with pain, and we are beings that instinctively avoid pain. We sit like this in our bubble of comfort, avoiding everything that challenges us. But it is only in the challenge that you grow and change. The butterfly's transformation only comes after it has dragged itself a long way in search of the rich food that will allow it to metamorphose.

    Many feel they are dragging themselves around, and in fact they may be doing so. They ask themselves – when will I become a butterfly? – but they forget to ask themselves if they are looking for the rich food that will provide them with this.

    Planetary Transition – Life calls for renewal

    And I repeat, the time has come, you can't wait any longer, the wind of change is already shaking the roofs around, and hiding will no longer help. The renewal of everything that exists is guaranteed, everything that is contrary to it will collapse. It's natural law, everything evolves.

    So we will see and we are already seeing the destruction of everything that is no longer consistent with global renewal. Life asks for more humanity, it asks for Love, this is the new energetic current that flows in these times. So everything that goes against the current will be swallowed, dragged. This is a river too strong, don't resist it, no one has that strength. Surrender and flow with it, and soon you will arrive at the great sea of ​​union with the All.

    Pain only exists because it resists, resists the Truth of the All, resists necessary change, resists death. But I say to you, silence the whole crowd that screams inside your head, stop for a few minutes, sit or lie down and take time to inaction, go inside, breathe, feeling God between the in-breath and the out-breath. Go deep within yourself, disconnecting from the shallow perception of the senses. There is nothing beyond the Principle and This is you.


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