planet time

    In 2019, Earth time will be day March 28, starting at 20:30 pm and ends at 21:30 pm. As in every year since 2007, in this period it is desirable for people to turn off the lights in their homes and establishments, in order to take a moment to reflect on the directions that nature and humanity are taking.

    This campaign was conceived by ONG WWF (“World Wildlife Fund”), in Australia, and won supporters all over the world. In 2011, for example, almost one hundred cities in Spain had already turned off their lights within the expected period.

    planet time

    Since the eighteenth century, with the advance of the Industrial Revolution, the planet has suffered from the increase in the emission of toxic gases into the atmosphere. All over the world, countries such as the United States of America, China, India and Spain indirectly cause changes in the climate and in the lives of countless species, from the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. Although the greenhouse effect is a natural process, global warming is harmful even to human life.

    For these reasons, it is important to note that Earth Hour also aims to encourage behaviors in favor of the environment environment, to be adopted throughout the year. Some of them are called the Five R's: recycle, reuse, reuse, reduce, hold accountable and respect.

    planet time

    If you want to participate in Earth Hour on March 28, it's not enough to just turn off the lights in your home. It is necessary to look at your life, your daily habits and review everything that somehow harms the environment. Produce less waste, consume less and help save the planet!

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