Phrases you should say to yourself

We spend a lot of our lives advising people, teaching them the best way to see things, showing new ways out and even emphasizing the importance of liking yourself and having security in our decisions. But when we need to put these same principles into practice in our lives, things change a little bit. Everything we say and preach to the four winds no longer seems so simple and it is at this time that we run the risk of giving up on our goals, of leaving our mood and our vitality in the background.

What goes for others always goes for us too and for this reason we list below some phrases that should be said to yourself repeatedly, whenever necessary, until the idea enters our mind at once and becomes natural. Come on?

I deserve! (a compliment, a promotion at work, candy, a new outfit, a hug…)

Phrases you should say to yourselfWe tend to be very demanding of ourselves. Modern life has a series of demands and expectations to be met, and then when we achieve a goal or receive recognition for what we do, we tend to run away from it, as if we weren't worthy. It's time to change this situation. Repeat "I deserve it", as many times as necessary, until you understand. It's just not worth thinking you deserve a whole cake after fulfilling a week of diet, huh?

I can or I can! (new challenges, a recipe, starting physical activity…)

Confidence in yourself is the key to everything. We are all capable, we just need dedication and willpower.

I won't worry about unimportant things anymore!

Life is already so complicated, why look for even more trouble? Stick to real problems, of relevant importance and that can be solved. The rest, forget it.

I'm not perfect, but I'm the best I can be!

Keep in mind that no one is perfect and that striving for perfection only causes frustration. However, always seek the best of yourself, do what you can to do so.

I'm proud of who I am!

Love yourself, look in the mirror and know that the person reflected there is the one that fills you with pride. If that isn't true yet, work on making it your deepest truth.

I will focus on positive events and thoughts

Pay attention to what good happens in your life, nurture positive thoughts always, especially when you feel discouraged or discredited. Positivity attracts good things and will get you out of this bad cycle.

Phrases you should say to yourselfI'm not responsible for the world's problems

Don't take responsibility for things that are out of your reach or control. Having empathy is one thing, feeling responsible for other people's problems is quite another. Reflects!

I prefer to emphasize my qualities than to belittle myself in front of others

Stop comparing yourself to other people now. Someone else's backyard always looks greener from afar, but you'll never know what's really going on there. Everyone has problems, don't waste time thinking that other people's lives are better. Accept yours and yourself.

I value small achievements and celebrate them daily!

Having a goal that seems very far away and just pursuing it is silly. Cherish your daily achievements and find happiness in the smallest things. Instant little boosters!

My energy is higher and I will only let myself be hit by positivity

Keep in mind that positive thoughts and energies should always be greater than any negativity that crosses your path. Don't let someone not very well lower your positive charge, on the other hand, try to make this person well also using your energy.

Self-control is my motto!

There is no way to control events, but you can control how you react to them. Exercise your self-control and don't let yourself get down by adverse situations.

I'm authentic!

Be imperfect, but be true. Nothing worse than pretending to be someone you're not, one hour the mask falls.

  • Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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