Phrases about life to reflect

Each person chooses, throughout their lives, who they will relate to, what they will work with, where they will live, what they want to do with the money they have, among other issues. These choices can have consequences that will impact someone's entire life or just one day out of all that time. Still, thinking about what we decided to do or about the situations that happen to us is a way to maintain balance about what we feel and awareness about past, present and future.

An exercise that you can do daily is to analyze everything that has happened throughout your routine. Think about the people around you, analyze if they want the best for you, if you want the best for them, if you are happy with your current life... saw, learned or lived that day.

Phrases about life to reflect

When facing a problem, avoid thinking dramatically about it. There are situations that can be really bad and that seem to indicate the end of everything. If you are experiencing something like this, seek professional help. In the case of other types of problems, it is essential that you think about what is bothering you and that you try to consider what you are learning from everything that is happening.

The process of growing up is painful. We need to let go of who we were and become new people every day, depending on the difficulties we face. Still, we need to reflect on these changes and look at them fondly, with the awareness that we can always become better versions of ourselves.

Below you will find some phrases that can help you reflect on what is going on in your life. Read each one every day and draw new conclusions about what has changed. This is a meditation process that will help you connect with who you really are and who you want to be.

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Phrases about life

Phrases about life to reflect

  • “No decision should be a sentence. Change your mind every time you feel like a situation is hurting you.”
  • “The only person with power over your life is you. Letting someone else control your existence and choices will not bring you genuine satisfaction.”
  • “Find your vocation by analyzing the activities you do that bring you unconditional happiness. That's your mission. Invest energy in living well.”
  • “Relationships that limit you and make you repress who you are are not beneficial to any of those involved. Let them become memories and move on.”
  • “Feeling doubts about what seemed to be a certainty is part of a process of growth and maturation. Don't be afraid to take a chance on something new.”
  • “The loss of the people and things we love most teach us how to deal with frustration and defeat. Your memories of what was and what ended can be very powerful.”
  • “Another person's opinion of you is their own business. Live your truth without being afraid of being repressed. Nothing matters more than being true to yourself.”
  • “Avoid conflicts that cannot result in understanding and peace. You should always listen to what someone else has to say, without imposing your truth on what they believe.”
  • “Believe in your potential even on the days when it seems most difficult. You are more than the difficulties that are imposed on you.”
  • “Asking for help dealing with a problem is what will give you the strength to share your story and build memories of who you are.”
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