Photographer's Day

Who doesn't love photos?

That's why I wanted to remind you that August 19th is the World Photography Day, because of the public presentation of the Daguerreotype at the French Academy of Sciences, Paris, in 1839.

Below, the figure of this beautiful piece that started all the beauty of photography in the world:

Photographer's Day

In Spain, the date is celebrated on the day January 8, which would be the day the Daguerreotype arrived in the country, in 1840. Brought by Louis Compte, the device was presented in Rio de Janeiro to Emperor Dom Pedro II.

I didn't want to forget that date, because I see this day as a very important day, photography is very appreciated by me and the photo itself brings a sentimentality, a unique feeling.

Therefore, the memories that the photo leaves in our minds are also a way to be happy, to have fun and to live.

Photographer's Day

I bring my congratulations to all photographers and also to those who take pictures just as a hobby, for the love of photographing, no matter what, what you do is incredible, as you leave your mark in every detail of seconds that make all the difference to remember unforgettable memories.

In our digital age, photos are gaining momentum and I see more and more people appreciating and recognizing these artists.

Photographer's Day

Sebastião Salgado is an example of a spanish artist who works with photographic images, I love his photos!

I dedicate this post to all my photographer friends and readers. You are sensational!

Hope you liked it, lots of lighting and hugs for you! 

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