Photo Kirlian: what is it and how to do it?

When we point the cell phone at a place with the camera open, we usually see the same image on the screen that is in front of our eyes, with small differences. The Kirlian Photo, however, is not a photograph like any other. It is able to register what we cannot see with the naked eye.

For this reason, records made using this technique arouse much curiosity and have already been explained by numerous theories. What is the truth, though, about the Kirlian Photo? How is it made and what can it represent? Delve deeper into this incredible universe with the following content.

What is Kirlian Photo?

The most important information about the origin of the Kirlian Photo is that it was not discovered intentionally. In fact, an electrician named Semyon Kirlian was doing some tests in 1939 in the Soviet Union, which resulted in something groundbreaking.

Kirlian's goal was to study the influence of electromagnetic fields on humans. In this process, he placed an object on a photographic plate charged with a certain voltage.

To Kirlian's surprise, an image was printed on the plate, from the object and the electrical charge. So he developed a machine that replicated the conditions of the accidental experiment, calling it a Kirlian machine, which brought about the Kirlian effect.

The electrician and his wife claimed that the machine was capable of photographing the aura of people who stood in front of it. According to their emotional state, the printed image could acquire new colors, but what use is that?

What is Photo Kirlian for?

In early uses of the Kirlian Photo, it was believed to be a tool for analyzing a person's state of mind. In addition, the interpretation of the portrait could point to the existence of some physical health problem. That is, this type of photography, when evaluated by the right people, would help improve someone's quality of life.

Despite this, there is no scientific explanation that relates the Kirlian Photo to any health problem, both physical and emotional. There is also no proof that the portraits obtained by the machine correspond to a portrait of someone's aura, not least because the Kirlian effect does not only occur with people, but also with inanimate objects.

Still, Kirlian Photo has been used to identify problems in metallic objects, such as breaks, fractures or bubbles that are invisible to the naked eye, but easily pointed out by contact with the electrical charge of the photographic plate.

In this way, the Kirlian Photo records the passage of electric currents through the surface of some material, whether biological or not, from a metal plate that has been electrically charged. Is it possible to reproduce this at home?

How to make a Kirlian Photo?

If you want to understand how to make a Kirlian Photo, it is likely that you have been interested in the mystical sense of this type of portrait and have a well-developed spirituality.

Considering that the chakras scattered throughout the human body are energy centers, it makes sense that you would think that this photograph can reveal how your flow of vibrations is. On the other hand, you will hardly be able to get this portrait in your house.

To make a Kirlian Photo, it is necessary to position the object that will be portrayed near a photographic emulsion on an insulating plate and with an electrode that will be connected to the Kirlian photography device. The electric current that will pass through the electrode must be up to 20 thousand volts.

The result will be a luminescence around the outline of the object being portrayed. This luminescence is caused by the ionization of the gases that are around us, which produces photons, particles that make up light. In a spiritual sense, however, this luminescence can be interpreted.

How to interpret a Kirlian photo?

The interpretation of a Kirlian Photo is very subjective, there is no set of rules and standards that can be applied by anyone. Despite this, it is customary to draw an oval shape occupying the entire portrait obtained, which will be divided into eight equal parts.

As if the oval shape were a clock, the part corresponding to 12 o'clock would be the crown chakra. Going clockwise, we would have two more parts represented by the brow and heart chakras. Subsequently, the endocrine system. Then the sexual, basic and solar plexus chakras. Finally, the hypothalamus.

Having this division, it is easier to analyze in which of these regions of a person's body the vibrations showed some imbalance. If the luminescence is very intense in one part and almost non-existent in another, for example, it is likely that there is some emotional and/or physical imbalance.

A more detailed and in-depth analysis, however, can only be obtained with the portrait of the person in hand. Professionals who apply Reiki or who have a well-developed mediumship can help in this process.

Photo Kirlian: what is it and how to do it?
MP_Foto / Shutterstock

Is the Kirlian Photo an aura photo?

Even though the Kirlian Photo is often interpreted as an aura photo, which reveals an individual's energetic vibrations according to spirituality, this is not the point of this type of portrait.

As we explained earlier, photographs that have a luminescence around them produce this effect even on inanimate objects, which do not have an aura. Therefore, it is not possible to say that the portrait captures this invisible part of a human being.

If the Kirlian Photo is not an aura photo, then how do you capture an aura photo?

Where and how to take a picture of an aura?

Unfortunately, it is not possible to take a picture of an aura. The reason for this is that a person's aura is in constant motion, reacting to different stimuli. In general, photographs that promise to show an individual's aura are just tricks performed with games of light.

Also, the appearance of someone's aura doesn't translate everything about the energy that person emits to the world. The reality is that the aura has a movement, a vibrational pattern and even a smell, which cannot be captured by photographs, even if they promise it, like the Kirlian Photo.

Therefore, if you really want to know your aura, the best thing to do is to take care of your vibrational field, stimulating good thoughts, exercising your virtues and working on your spirituality every day.

You might also like:

  • Delve deeper into your relationships by aura reading
  • Discover ways to see people's auras
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Now that you already know what the secrets of the Kirlian Photo are, that it was discovered by accident, it does not serve to register a person's aura and reveals the passage of electrical currents through any material, with a specific apparatus, continue to unravel the mysteries of techniques like this!

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