People is to shine

People are meant to shine...

Caetano Veloso sang inspired by Maiakoviski.

He was right, no one can oppose the fact that the human being is a precious stone, born to shine, like a diamond that even in the depths of a fetid swamp, enveloped in darkness, will never stop being a diamond, because it will never it will lose its shine and essence. It doesn't matter if the individual is part of a privileged elite or a poor starving child in North Africa, everyone, in spite of this principle, is equal.

This happens to us: although we are living in a hell of mental constructions, suffering in the most absurd lack of self-awareness, our light will never go out. No matter how unlivable life seems, our nature will remain intact, for the divine essence of the human creature is uncontaminated, indestructible, eternal and perfect. We are Gods!

Few can understand the hidden meaning found in Psalm 23 which says, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff protect me.” Repeated as a mantra by many believers, this psalm is extremely consoling, but few are able to perceive that the quote that the text makes is to the essence that exists within us, precisely when it says: “you are with me…”. It is more common to think that the passage is referring to a transcendent God, who protects and guides our life - as the Judeo-Christian tradition teaches - than to suppose that it is about ourselves, our Higher Self.

It is easier to think of the human being as a sinner, full of flaws and defects, dependent on support, because we are deeply identified with the experience and not with the essence. For those who work in the world, any mistake causes negative repercussions in the show in which they participate, so when we make mistakes, guided by pre-established models created by our beliefs and values, it is normal to find ourselves incapable and weak, suffering with guilt and remorse.

Throughout human history, successive religious doctrines have reinforced this unfortunate model, so it is difficult to accept that the psalm is trying to exalt our divine nature and inviting us to a new awakening, it is common, on the contrary, to believe that there is a God taking care of us, for we are weak and unable to lead ourselves without your support.

People is to shine

The man walks unaware of himself. He suffers involved in a tangle of concepts and lives floating in an exhausting sea of ​​problems. It is natural to cling to any board you find floating in front of you or wait for some God to reach out to you, as this has been the most common behavior. The great truth is that we were not able to capitulate and we still express a whole harmful program of anachronistic values ​​and beliefs constituted from this sad binomial: guilt and punishment.

Man has been his greatest enemy, even without realizing it, he fights atrocious battles against himself. That's why Jesus insisted so much on the idea of ​​forgiveness, especially on self-forgiveness, the master wanted to show that in order to fix the inner house, first of all, it would be necessary to stop dirtying it.

Those who wake up can see a new reality. Those who sleep await the work of maturation of their own consciousness. Like a green fruit that shows an inability to let go of the stem that holds it, this sleeping being lives trapped in the injunctions of a mental prison, built from molds and archetypes that direct it, believing in an inconsistent reality, made of emotional vapors. .

The higher the level of external dependence, the more distant the being is from reality.

The true guru, the true spiritual leader, the true mentor, in short, a true master is the one who shows the way of his own heart to the student. One that opens the door to a new approach, stimulating self-realization and not a realization that insists on external dependence, where the seeker is treated as weak and incapable. But false christs and false prophets roam freely throughout the world, postulating that only supported by disciplinary doctrines and concepts, man could reach the light.

The light he already is.

He is unique and that is what makes him special.

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