People are different and communicate in different ways.

    People are different and communicate in different ways.

    Communication is in fact closely linked to our personal experiences. I heard about a child who complained of pain from simply taking a figurine out of his arm.

    He made the biggest fuss, screamed, kicked. And then everyone said: “What an exaggeration! It didn't even hurt that much…it doesn't hurt”. But then I ask: what pain reference does a 3-year-old have? She verbalized what she was feeling based on her experience and her references. And what great examples are children, so pure and true. But it's not just them who go through this. We adults also verbalize and communicate according to our experiences.

    “I, in his place, would do it differently”. We've heard or said this phrase a lot. The truth is that NO, we wouldn't do it differently from the other if we had in his experience, with his references and his thoughts and emotions. And not always what is obvious to you will be obvious to someone else. That's why communicating is much more than informing something: it's connecting, understanding who you're talking to, being open to connecting to that complex being, full of emotions and thoughts – sometimes different from yours.

    Did you know that each person is easy to absorb communication in a way? According to some surveys, 55% of people are visual, 30% are kinesthetic and 15% are auditory.

    Visuals: You have to see it to believe it, literally. They talk about how things look, they are concerned about the image, they hate mess or any kind of visual pollution.

    Hearing: talk how things sound. They look for sound references during the conversation.

    Synesthetic: Synesthetics: talk about how they feel. They like to feel and touch, they value the sensation that a certain experience causes.

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    It is important to look at not only your personal communication, but the communication of the person you are connecting with.

    Understand: people are different and communicate in different ways!

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