Past life lessons

Before talking about past lives, it is essential to understand the concept of reincarnation. We can define reincarnation as an idea of ​​various religious and philosophical systems, where the spirit, which until then was in a physical environment, returns to the material system to help in the evolution of the reincarnating spirit. That is, it is the spirit's ability to incarnate again and again after physical death, which means that death is not the end.

The idea of ​​reincarnation has its origins since the dawn of humanity and developed from theories that claim that we all have a soul, and it can be removed from our body, either permanently (death) or temporarily (during sleep). .

It is an opportunity for the spirit to achieve intellectual improvement, through study and work, and moral improvement, through charity and love. Every reincarnation is planned by superior beings so that the reincarnated person can develop and take full advantage of the new life.

Past life lessons

Virtually all civilizations in our history believe in an afterlife. However, there is no fact that scientifically refutes or approves this hypothesis.

Research by the late neurologist and psychiatrist Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia analyzed more than XNUMX cases that would support that reincarnation really exists. According to him, current personalities have certain characteristics that we would never develop or could not have been inherited in our current existence.

Some people believe that birthmarks are linked to mortal injuries from past lives. Certain psychological and physical illnesses can also originate from the previous incarnation, and there is a high difficulty in healing, until the reason for the consternation is discovered with regression.

However, the illness can indicate the need that our true self has to alert the person to the unwillingness to help others, intolerance or the creative potential that has been fighting a hard battle to express itself.

Thus, death should not be seen as the definitive end of the bonds established with the people we love and our family members, but rather as a opportunity for maturation and growth.

When we remember events that occurred in previous reincarnations, it can help in the elimination and control of pain, guilt, in the reduction of tensions, anxieties and various forms of fear. In addition, it releases more personal potentials, helps in the development of concentration and there is an improvement in the sense of responsibility.

Those who are part of our existence, our parents, whether adoptive or biological, play different roles in each reunion, where coexistence and education have the challenge and commitment to change for the better the emotional behavior that we carry from our past lives.

Information from past reincarnations is revealed to us in several ways:

Through dreams, regression for therapeutic purposes or the spontaneous type. It is not common for us to spontaneously remember past lives. The smallest part of the memories is kept in our unconscious, being the base on which our mind and our personality are formed.

Na Regression Therapy, memories stored deep in our unconscious can be revealed. When we find the source of our problems, the process of evolution becomes easier. However, this treatment should not be sought out of pure curiosity. The use of this type of information is only for therapeutic purposes, because it aims to help the individual to overcome suffering and trauma.

In the logic of reincarnation, our current existence is just a chapter of our life. Therefore, if we want to mature in the emotional and sentimental sphere, we must pay more attention to behavioral addictions and more negative tendencies. In these cases, regression can help to open doors for memories that are hidden in our unconscious to transform into evolution, life and essence.

  • Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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