Pain and pleasure

    Is a life of many pleasures and without pain a happy life? I invite you to reflect on this, because we often live a meaningless life, we do a job we don't like, we have relationships that no longer work, we have a way of life that no longer satisfies us. We want to avoid the pain of being alone, the pain of stepping out of our comfort zone, the pain of not being able to buy the things we want.

    This escape to not feel pain puts us in a life that is not ours, in which we end up not feeling well, it seems that something is always missing. This often leads us to the search for pleasures related to harmful habits, addictions, to a bitter life, full of diseases. I would say a weariness of life.

    I think that accepting pleasure is one thing, now living conditioned by pleasure is a big mistake. So stop and think if in your life you are just looking for pleasure…

    And another important fact, pleasure without being understood spoils the mind. An example of this are countless artists, singers, actors, people who reached the top of fame and money and were not happy.

    Pain and pleasure
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    Or on the other hand, people who suffered a lot and even after suffering did not learn from the lesson, this is because suffering does not lead to wisdom, but to understanding it.

    Try to understand that suffering is part and seek the path that makes sense for your life, even if you have to change course, start all over again, and even if this change causes suffering for a while. Even in pain, try to understand why the situation hurts you, what you really need to learn from that pain. This attitude will gradually raise your level of consciousness and your own and more solid resources will emerge to face life, including the awareness that we cannot place our well-being only in things that give us pleasure, that we should not place our well-being in the other or in material goods.

    Only then does life begin to be felt, appreciated, valued. This attitude will remove certain illusions and fantasies about living.

    Let's learn to let go of both pleasure and pain. But this new outlook on life gives us incredible freedom, as you will no longer be affected by circumstances.

    Many people cling to pain, suffering… It sounds crazy, but it's real, because in this role of victim they have secondary gains. They have, for example, the attention of others, the pity of others.

    So here we come to some conclusions.

    Pain and pleasure
    AntonioGuillem / Getty Images Pro / Canva

    Pain is necessary, growing up hurts, leaving our childish side and moving into adulthood hurts. Many people reach their 30s, 40s, 50s without wanting to face this pain, without changing habits, without maturing. Without assuming certain responsibilities.

    But we cannot cling to pain, there is a point where we have to get out of this condition and seek improvement. On the other hand, living after pleasure can be a very disturbing path.

    • Spirituality begins with introspection
    • Work on something that brings you pleasure to improve your life
    • Understand your pain as a growth process
    • Watch out for the signs that it's time to change your life
    • Life as a philosophical problem?

    How many people are so attached to their youthful appearance and don't accept old age, because they always want to feel the pleasure of youth in their body? This is destructive.

    Shall we seek a balance between these poles? And when you are on either side, seek awareness of what is going on inside you, the feelings attached, the physical sensations, the purpose of being there. Acquire this point of observation, in which there is not so much weight between what is good or bad, right or wrong, because when the look is above appearances we can see that everything is part, that everything can be accepted and welcomed with love and in the right measure.

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