own house

Owning a home is a dream that has withstood time, circumstances and events. In this external symbol, there is a request from the soul behind. To return to the true home before externalizing through solid walls.

Often the house is only seen through an aesthetic perspective, but it is like a mirror that reflects our memories, stories and personalities. It is a language through which we express our innermost being. Or at least that's how it should be. When we accept a disembodied dwelling, we cannot find ourselves in the world. And it's not about needing expensive furniture for that, but about living where you live in the present. It may be small, rented, but it may be a reflection that does not hide imperfections. Sometimes there is a grout that is no longer so clear or a wall that shows the continuity of life through stains, but that's okay. It is also like that within us. Feelings arise in situations that are labeled as bad, such as anger and sadness. And it's part of living. To be an inhabitant.

own house
Annie Spratt / Unsplash

Our first home is a mother's body. He was molded through the gradual growth of the life present in the womb. After we are born, we take up residence in our own physical constitution and it is our second home that will accompany us until the moment of departure. The home body must be treated this way not only for aesthetics with facial care or proper nutrition, but because it houses our matrix: the eternal soul.

The third abode, often made of cement walls, is a structure where the body can be involved. When the shelter is treated with truth, it will not bring an experience of perhaps repression of the senses and feelings, but it will be a bodily extension and, therefore, just as alive.

own house
123RF/Aleksandr Davydov

Occupying your own home can be dancing around the living room or kitchen. It could be crying in the bathroom. It could be running around the garden. There are no limits of occupation for a being who has recognized himself as limitless. Therefore, tendencies are not necessary when you have an open chest willing to externalize the inner abode.

And no, it's okay to see references from other residences, but as long as it serves only as inspiration and not for the purpose of reproduction. We are living in a time when many dwellings are practically the same and, therefore, there is no room for the unique and singular. Which is existence itself.

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I propose a simple exercise. Put on music that makes you feel good. Lie down, close your eyes and just breathe. Thus establishing a contact with the home body. Then remember details of the residence in which you lived and were happiest as a child (you may have lived in several, like me). Then, design it your way, with the details that brought you the most joy, comfort and well-being. Our inner child always knows what is fundamental and it will bring back to the present not the house it lived in, but the living flame of its simple and true essence. Which is to be happy wherever you live.

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