Overload or enjoy: that is the question!

    From the apparent feeling of unproductivity for wanting to rest and stop everything, even for a few minutes.

    But often, the self-demand that accompanies us is even greater than that of others, isn't it? And we end up doing, doing, doing, accumulating tasks and more tasks, endless, putting aside self-care and looking inside.

    Have you been doing it for and for you or just to meet external demand?
    We are creative by nature: creating gives us pleasure, creating gives us power! It re-energizes us. We want to accomplish things and fulfill ourselves as women! The creative doing, yes, is fundamental. Vital!

    Have you created (what gives you power and pleasure) or reproduced (what drains you)?

    Overload or enjoy: that is the question!
    KatarzynaBialasiewicz de Getty Images / Canva

    Why haven't we managed to balance it all yet? Why haven't we prioritized ourselves and postponed this creative contact with our inner world? What would it be like to reconcile the tasks that are important to you with the greatest enjoyment of Life?


    I believe that when we start to dive in, we naturally move away from what no longer aligns with our findings.

    Thus, we can often sabotage, or not prioritize our self-knowledge for fear of loneliness, distance, of losing those we love, but do not follow with us on this journey.

    Self-knowledge is not a static, passive process. You create yourself, discover yourself, rediscover yourself and, instead of feeling sorry, complaining or regretting, ACT!
    Self-investigation implies movement, and maybe some people around you will wonder, question… they won't follow you.

    Overload or enjoy: that is the question!
    AaronAmat by Getty Images / Canva

    And that desire to please everyone and be the one who “realizes that everything” ends up overlapping – even though this leaves us exhausted and disconnected from our essence.

    On the other hand, along the way, we meet people who are in tune with this new way of looking. We created other ties, new tribes and re-signified relationships with those who continue to occupy a special space in our lives, but now in a different way. We also recreate ties with ourselves…

    And that, one day, spills over into everything around him.

    When you're fine, everything's fine… But for that, you need Courage. To say yes to you!

    Leaving the place of comfort or guilt to, who knows (and most likely), find an even more beautiful place! An interior refuge to rest, relieve yourself of the burdens, the guilt and let yourself be guided by your own Heart.

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    This is the path we walk, calmly, in Jardim em Flor: a program of self-care and weekly suggestions for self-research and self-expansion.
    To learn more and see how gardeners have been building their shelters and enjoying life more, go to this link.

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