Overcoming: 5 fun ways to overcome difficulties

When we talk about overcoming, we usually visualize someone sacrificing themselves, going through great suffering and giving up enjoying the present. Is it or is it not true?

But who said success has to be suffered?

In Pandora's trainings and in the courses of Plataforma Quero Evoluir, we constantly remind you that fun is an indicator of success. Overcoming comes precisely from flowing with life, facing challenges with lightness and good humor.

It doesn't mean that this is easy to do. Like everything else, it requires training. But it is possible! In fact, if you're not having fun in life, it's time to look for new solutions to have more motivation and achievements.

Therefore, in this article, we have separated 7 tips that will make your overcoming more fluid. Follow up!

1. To get ahead, play with Lego

Overcoming: 5 fun ways to overcome difficulties
MW image by Pixabay

A Lego game is about putting pieces together. Play allows us to build whatever we want, as long as the fit is correct, solid and makes sense.

The same happens in our life. With imagination, everything is possible to be built! But for that we must remember that each block of our daily life has its importance. We always need to be attentive to understand which piece fits into another and overcome difficulties “assembling” life.

We often try to add pieces (habits, goals, tasks) that just don't fit our current context! This is where the greatest crises and difficulties arise. In these cases, overcoming becomes almost impossible.

Once again, who said that overcoming something that limits us needs to be suffered? If we choose the right blocks (small changes that are possible today), overcoming challenges becomes fluid.

Tip Summary: Let go of the self-demand of fitting in new habits, goals, and tasks that you “should” do. Simply start with what fits your life today.

2. To get over it, ride the roller coaster

Overcoming: 5 fun ways to overcome difficulties
MW image by Pixabay

Have you ever seen someone who doesn't have difficulties? Someone whose life is always on the same level of challenge? Probably not, right?

Everyday life is naturally made of ups and downs. Human life is a big roller coaster. Trying to deny this fact will only bring us suffering. Instead of seeking to escape the roller coaster, we can gradually find fun and beauty in it.

Undoubtedly, our days will not turn out exactly as we planned. We will have high moments with unexpected achievements, as well as free fall moments when it seems that everything is going to go wrong. The most important thing is to stop fighting the ups and downs, accept that they exist, and move on to learn from them. This is overcoming.

Tip Summary: Practice accepting the external as it is and stick to your good deeds and daily habits.

3. To overcome, scare the Boogeyman

Overcoming: 5 fun ways to overcome difficulties
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In life, we have often had problems that seemed gigantic, but which in the end were solved more easily than we thought. It's the famous Boogeyman!

When we stop to reflect and analyze past events, we realize that this scary beast only exists in our head. Challenges do occur, but we turn them into something disproportionate to reality.

This also happens with desires and goals that we pursue. At first, they look like a “monster” when imagined. The impression we have is that we will never “get there”.

The antidote to this is simple tasks, simple steps, simple habits.

Simple tasks will obviously be simpler to solve. At this point, don't worry about the "monster". Divide it into small steps and start shooing it away little by little to turn it into a beautiful result.

Tip Summary: Start by making simple daily changes in your life that can help you get closer to your goal.

4. To overcome, play coloring

Overcoming: 5 fun ways to overcome difficulties
Image of Pexels by Pixabay

Is life too heavy? So it's time to bring in some color! Just like a child who has fun painting a light and humorous drawing, we adults can also reduce the pressure with strategic activities.

At Pandora, we teach that there are three zones in which a human being can be:

Comfort Zone: in which we repeat old patterns and habits, always generating the same results. If we stay in it too long, our life begins to "atrophy", just like a muscle that is not exercised. Life turns gray!

High Performance Zone: in which we challenge ourselves, face new activities and seek growth. It brings a certain discomfort, but also learning and new results.

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Saturation Zone: it is the zone of self-pressure, self-demand and self-tyranny. When we are in it, we force ourselves to live greater challenges than we can handle at the moment. If we persist in this zone, life will be heavy and colorless. Again life turns gray!

The secret to living a “colorful” life is to challenge ourselves moderately, without getting too heavy! One of the most common mistakes of those looking to get out of their comfort zone is falling into self-pressure and saturation.

If this is happening to you, try to include activities that bring lightness into your routine. It could be doing a hobby you love to do, planning a weekend trip, pampering yourself, organizing finances to buy something you like, etc.

Tip Summary: When life is gray, put more light and fun activities into your routine. Not only do you deserve it, you should do it if you want to speed up overcoming a difficulty.

5. To overcome, create your own Game of Life

Overcoming: 5 fun ways to overcome difficulties
Photo de Ylanite Koppens no Pexels

Stop living life based on other people's rules. Comparison is one of the most harmful vices for human beings.

Each person has their own values ​​and their own worldview. Therefore, you have complete freedom to create your own Game of Life, with your own rules and objectives.

If something that everyone else is looking for doesn't make sense to you, no problem! After all, you're not playing the same game as other people. Remember that you are the owner of your life and, therefore, you yourself must define what is success and what is failure. Don't assume you've game over just because you didn't meet someone else's criteria. Change the criteria, do it your way, recontextualize!

Remember if: the essence of overcoming is in overcoming your own limits, not in overcoming others. Life is not a competition, it is a co-creation.

Tip Summary: Look at your goals and ask yourself: am I looking for what I really want or am I trying to live my life by other people's rules and values? If necessary, review the goals and choose what makes sense for you!

Final tip: To get ahead, get to know the Quero Evolver Platform

Overcoming: 5 fun ways to overcome difficulties
Photo by Jill Wellington from Pexels

On the Quero Evolver Platform you will find more than 500 hours of content focused on personal improvement, building successful habits, self-knowledge, awareness, relationships, leadership, well-being and much more.

You have 7 days free to try short mini-courses, complete courses, video lessons, audios to listen to on the go and exclusive tools.

Some of the main internal areas of the platform include:

How to Create Success Habits

High Performance Classes

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