Organization with the kanban method

    Organization with the kanban method
    You're looking for a more organized life, aren't you? It may sound simple, but many people have a hard time keeping not only things in order, but their lives as well.

    The Japanese method of organization Kanban is a simple alternative which, translated literally, means records on boards. It is widely used in the administration of industries, in the control of the production flow, but its concept works on several fronts.

    In this method, the use of murals helps in understanding what needs to be done. In addition to helping to have an overview of a project, Kanban contributes to an observation of the progress that is being achieved, improving motivation and energy to fulfill your goals.

    How to do Kanban method?

    First you will need a mural and self-adhesive papers, but if you don't have these tools, you can use a wall, paper and tape, or even a simple sheet of paper.

    Afterwards, you will divide your life into three columns:

    – To do

    - Making

    - Done

    It's nice to make each topic on different colors of paper, so that you can differentiate each column from the colors.

    If you feel the need, you can add more columns, for example, with topics to “do today”, or “waiting” and also “urgent”. Evaluate, mainly, your needs in relation to the organization.

    You can use the Kanban method in many areas of your life, even in your professional life. For example: set aside a space on your desk to show your tasks, separating them by the columns you think are necessary. Other options are possible like organizing your study topics, appointments, organizing parties, etc.

    In addition, this is a versatile method that brings several benefits to your mental health such as:

    - Organize in his mind

    – Keep you motivated and focused

    – Help you finish projects

    – Decrease your stress

    If you already use this method or are going to start now, comment below your personal experience and help others to organize themselves better.

    Written by Gabrielle Career of Team Me Without Borders.

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