Or mysticism two cats

The mysticism of cats is a subject that catches the attention of many people, especially those who love these little felines. Much is known about these animals today, including their entire life trajectory from the earliest times.

The cat has played several roles in society and it is no wonder that superstitions exist in relation to this species. However, a lot has already been left behind and as everyone knows, past is past. Cats are extremely docile animals even though they sometimes show unusual behaviors such as jealousy.

Jealousy aside, they are still little creatures full of love and good feelings to give to humans. But in relation to the mysticism of cats, what have these felines gone through in previous moments to conquer the space they have in society? That's exactly what we're going to talk about!

Cats and Ancient Egypt

Or mysticism two cats
CoreyFord / Getty Images / Canva

In ancient Egypt these animals were considered sacred due to their ability to exterminate β€œpests” such as rats. Realizing this ability in felines, the Egyptians began to treat these animals as members of the family, so they were responsible for keeping the mice away.

The rats in Egypt were like a swarm, there were many throughout the region and they destroyed their crops in addition to generating many diseases. Noticing that these animals managed to reduce the number of rats in the place, the Egyptians began to treat them as deities. After all, before this awareness people served their meat on the banks of the River Nile.

After all this change and the insertion of cats in Egyptian society, three goddesses that were part of ancient Egypt had feline traits - Bastet, Ra and Isis. From then on, cats began to be considered sacred beings and when they died, the Egyptians shaved their eyebrows as a form of mourning.

Egyptian women, on the other hand, saw these animals as a form of extreme beauty. Even, several of them did makeup and tried to represent the perfect contour of the eyes of cats. In the mid-XNUMXth century, several archaeologists found mummies of many cats in the temple of the goddess Bastet. It may seem like an exaggeration, but in addition, a law was created that condemned anyone who killed a cat to death. These pussies really were valuable!

Cats and the Middle Ages

Or mysticism two cats
Crissy1982 / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Leaving for the Middle Ages, the mysticism of cats has already started to get tense. In medieval Europe things were going well until the church started burning cats and bonfires and even lighting them on cliffs.

The main factor in these attitudes were witches, free women who possessed magical powers received from nature. Well, that's not how the churches saw these women, in fact, they were seen as devils on earth and that's why they and their cats were burned together.

Cats, being animals with completely mysterious eyes and super independent, were associated with women accused of practicing witchcraft. Therefore, we could not expect less than fires to cremate both them and them. When it came to black cats, things got worse! In the Middle Ages, the belief arose that black cats were impure and evil animals and should be killed.

Even in the middle ages and with the death of many cats, who returns? That's right, the mice! And of course, without the cats around to exterminate them, these animals spread, causing the black plague that killed thousands of people. So was killing the cats really a good idea?

The Psychic Ability of Cats

Or mysticism two cats
Erikona / Getty Images Signature / Canva

Well, as already said, past is past and cats deserve a lot of love. One of the most interesting points of having a feline at home is its psychic abilities. Many relate these abilities to the mysticism of cats, who want or not have life to this day.

These animals communicate! Yes, if you are a cat owner we are sure you understand him. Every cat has a personality, even if they all look the same they are not. Also, cats are able to have a sense of time! Want to know how? If when you wake up you have the habit of feeding them and at 20 pm too, they will be there waiting for their meal. And of course, woe to you if you don't do your job with excellence… it's meow, meow, meow until you feed them.

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Cats are also capable of finding missing things. A good example of this is when they bury something and just like dogs, they can find what they are looking for! And remembering even more how these kitties are amazing beings, cats are so sociable that they are able to understand when their owners are sad. In this way, they remain by your side at all costs!

Cats are very good for humans

Or mysticism two cats
Helena Lopes / Pexels / Canva

Some say they are animals that shed a lot of fur – and it's true. However, cats are completely hygienic animals and anyone who misses the opportunity to be close to one for this reason doesn't know the benefits they are missing.

Stroking a kitten can bring tranquility to anyone, just give it a chance. Also, spirituality says that cats are cleansers of dense energy from their humans and unlike dogs, they manage to eliminate this bad energy. So sleeping with your pussy can be extraordinary for your energy field.

Because they are such companions and understand human feelings through energy, these felines are considered great companions in difficult times. As rough as their tongues are, if you allow them to lick you when you are sad, they will wipe your tears away!

Cats are very good! We could talk about them for hours and hours, but to finish the benefits that these cats bring us, have you ever thought about being massaged by a cat? Well, this craze comes from a baby when they massage the mother's breast to get milk and physical contact with her. And no, they don't want to milk you but this contact is indicative that they want to be close to you and expect the same feeling, see?

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Some facts about these cats

Or mysticism two cats
Studioimagen / Getty Images Pro / Canva
  • Cats don't like sweet foods;
  • Cats are right-handed and cats are left-handed;
  • They make over 100 different sounds;
  • Their brain is very similar to that of humans;
  • They can run about 49 miles per hour over short distances;
  • Your heels are 5x your height;
  • In the UK black cats symbolize good luck.

The mysticism of cats will always prevail, after all, these animals are amazing and have a great history. But what about you, what do you think of them?

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