Only you can know what's best for you

    As I write this article, I am influenced by the book “Ask and you will be attended” that I am reading and I have had many insights, one of which refers to the title of the text.

    When we choose to seek more self-knowledge, expand our mind or improve our personal development, this is a personal and unique choice, it is a natural awakening. As much as we have read about the importance of such practices, nothing changes if we are not really willing to accept these truths, if we are not open-minded to receive these teachings, moreover, we can only receive what we want, what we desire with body and soul, with greater intensity. As long as this desire does not manifest itself ardently, no one will be able to convince us to do something, even for our own good, because only we know what is good for us, no matter how good the intentions of others, there is no other person genuinely. realize what we want, only we have that power, that authority and that prerogative.

    Only you can know what's best for you

    When you activate this vibration, you enter into synchronicity and you begin to see things arise in alignment with what you were looking for. That's where the tools necessary to contribute to your personal growth appear, you find relevant text, a website with precious tips, know a form of therapy and so on, everything starts to have a greater sense and clarity of purpose. If you are here, reading this article, it is because somehow it has vibrated with your desire and will contribute to illuminating something you want to experience.

    You will always be helped, as long as you want and that purpose is strong enough to vibrate and make your soul connect with the source of energy that dwells within us. 

    Nobody can change you, nor can you change anyone, don't want that, because the greatest gift we have is the power of decision, of being able to choose what we want alone and, thus, reap what feeds us and nourishes our soul for a long time. through the experiences. When we wake up to this, making decisions will be easy and pleasurable, as it is a part of your power to create your reality, because with every move you make, you are creating new things for yourself and attracting more new things and the flow doesn't stop, it's infinite. .

    Only you can know what's best for you

    I wanted to comment this because you must be aware that the fruits you reap from wanting to learn more about yourself are due to you, you should congratulate yourself for each achievement and take hold of the wonderful sensations that are awakened in your being. Look around and notice how everything is the same, but your energy is different and how this same energy seems to infect all the people close to you, you will see more smiles, more harmony and more calm. All of this has always been there, but you hadn't realized it yet, or even had it, but now you feel it and that makes all the difference. 

    What I discovered on this journey of mine is that feeling makes a lot of difference, often there is no logical and rational explanation, it's something that the more we practice, the fewer words are needed to describe. 

    I'm slowly realizing the benefits of being able to make my choices, because with self-knowledge I connected with what I really like, which makes me feel good, so it's easy: I just have to choose these things! Now it seems obvious to me, but it took me a while to see this, but I know that it is the result of a lot of reading and reflection practices. To maintain critical thinking and align with what makes us feel good.

    So, know that you can and should doubt everything, because it's a way for you to question yourself if what you've been doing is working, if it makes you vibrate and what emotions arouse.

    With this exercise, we will discover what we really want, it seems easy, simple… And it is, but it all depends on our flexibility in wanting to see our resistances and give permission for what we want to happen.

    If knowing is something wonderful and a privilege, we have been given it. Let's enjoy!

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