only love heals

    These days I was asked about relationships between people that are very troubled. They wanted to know if people who love each other in this life loved each other in past lives too or if they could be enemies. In fact, when we are in spirituality, before we are born, we do an analysis with the help of benefactors about the best way to reincarnate and rescue our mistakes from previous lives. At that moment we make a study of everything that happened in the past and we idealize what is best so that, after birth, we are able to evolve.

    We also make an assessment of everything they did wrong to us in previous moments and how we can make it possible for these people to be able to repair their mistakes in relation to us, because each of us is a spirit in evolution towards the Father. This evolution is individual, but we need each other so that in difficulties we can overcome obstacles. It is possible that people who love each other in this life will find each other again in a next reincarnation so that, helping each other, they can evolve together, but it may also happen that people who manage to love each other in this life have been enemies in previous lives and have now managed to harmonize. and finally “turning the page”, as they say popularly.

    only love heals
    Kaboompics .com / Pexels

    Many misfortunes, tragedies that affect families, are the result of relationships that have been around for a long time; and many facts will happen again, because God does not impose that we are good or bad, this is a decision that we make, because we are free in sowing and consequently we will reap what is planted.

    Sometimes, for more than one existence, crimes will happen in the family environment involving fathers, mothers, children and brothers, until the disputes are resolved. The news is there showing us these occurrences that involve innocent people and that without a deep analysis we would not find explanations.

    Normally, when tragedies involving children occur, we are stricken with deep anguish; but, if we stick to the clarifications contained in the literature, we will see that the complexity existing in these actions, which is not necessary, are the result of the moral imbalance of those who commit them. They have explanations and certainly, in addition to being penalized by human law, the person responsible for the scandal will face anguished moments, when he returns to the spiritual plane, starting by staying for a while in the dark regions of the threshold.

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    It is certain that God is just through His laws and nothing escapes being redeemed. All evil done in this life will have to be replaced by love in the future. Only love heals, no matter how many and how many reincarnations we have to live.

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