On courage day, 5 tips to face your fears

On Courage Day, 5 tips to face your fears. The word courage comes from the Latin root “cordis”, which means “heart”. This makes it evident that, since ancient peoples, courage has been treated as an internal force, an internal potential that moves us to action, once we are convinced of the need to act, whether to preserve our physical or moral integrity.

Courage is an indispensable resource for a life of accomplishment. We are not aware of the future, what it has in store for us, nor are we aware of all the secrets that the world contains, a condition that leaves us with two options: to remain where we are, in our safe place, in our comfort zone, resigned to enjoying what is within our reach, even if precarious; or ambition more, expose ourselves to the unknown and eventually get hurt or grow.

The first option guarantees a long life, but probably frustrating, the second does not guarantee a bright future, but leaves that possibility in sight. But to walk this path it takes courage, to get out of a comfortable situation and face our fears. What if the individual realizes that he doesn't have the courage to take the big leap into the void?

Is it possible to become brave? Is it possible to learn to deal with fears?

Undoubtedly. Courage is not a gift, something impossible to develop.

On courage day, 5 tips to face your fears
AntonioGuillem / Getty Images Pro / Canva

Some people do have more evolved internal resources that make building a behavior seen as courageous less devious, but not everyone seen this way is made from this genuinely advanced stage of development.

Most need to learn to deal with their fears, to get used to them in order to feel more self-confident. A process that often takes years, working on internal issues, maturing experiences, strengthening the heart.

The initial step is the will, having that spark that yearns for something more. After the desire comes the analysis of the way forward to reach the goal and the science of the challenges to overcome, which can be intimidating enough to cause paralysis or stimulate confrontation.

If you find yourself in the first group, who know what fears you need to face in order to progress in life, but you don't see yourself in the internal conditions to face them at the moment, here are some tips that can help you find the inner strength you need. need.

Fear is part of courage.

It's important to be clear about this: having courage doesn't mean never being afraid, or denying it at all costs, or feeling guilty and weak for feeling it. Courage is stepping into the unknown, even feeling fear.

On courage day, 5 tips to face your fears
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Think about it: is there a greater example of courage than going to fight, even though you are afraid? Does it not require an effort, a determination, a daring that is out of the ordinary?

Having courage is knowing how to welcome fear, make room for it within our heart, but being able to control it. It is part of the experience of doing something that we know is important.

Without fear, our victories would be empty, worthless.

Fear is part of the experience and it is normal to feel it. Brave people feel fear, but they manage it. That's the difference. So the next time you feel afraid, don't think it's a bad sign and that's why you should give up. It's part of it and it's impossible not to feel it.

You know that story about the actor, businessman, player, etc., who talks about the butterflies in his stomach before facing the audience, stepping on the lawn? Fear. But that doesn't stop him from doing what he needs to do.

See it from another perspective.

Another tip for finding internal solutions that prevent paralysis in the face of adversity is to think of alternatives to deal with the situation.

On courage day, 5 tips to face your fears
Greg Cluff / Getty Images / Canva

Think of the other times you suffered in the face of your fear. How did you behave? He probably assumed an initial posture of confrontation, of trying to resist, but he was unable to bear the bad feelings aroused. Memories of past experiences, shame, sadness, etc.

How about doing it differently, since this strategy did not yield good results the other times?

Try, instead of facing, denying your fear, withdrawing, that is, watching the sensations settling inside and just feeling them.

Take a deep breath and continue doing whatever you're doing without thinking about before or after. Focus on the now. Choose to feel, to accept the fear, but to go on.

Expose yourself gradually.

Another technique to gather courage within yourself and face your fears is to gradually expose yourself to the object of fear. In therapy, this method is known as “desensitization,” a term borrowed from immunotherapy.

Set small goals to expose yourself to what destabilizes you to get used to the situation, reduce fear, create more resistance to the stressful situation.

On courage day, 5 tips to face your fears
David De Lossy / Getty Images Pro / Canva

A tip to help with this process is to observe other people who deal with the object and describe the method. Study the object clearly and without anticipating perceptions.

Learn to silence the mind.

The feeling of fear makes the individual feed thoughts that strengthen anxiety and dread. The mind enters a state of mental confusion, impairing the clarity and objectivity of thoughts.

To avoid this, a good practice is meditation. Undoubtedly a great way to learn to silence the mind everyday and consciously.

Train self-control.

Fears and phobias are related to anxiety. She is responsible for making it difficult to concentrate and making our head assaulted by the worst feelings.

One way to control fear and have the courage to move forward, even if it is alive inside you, is to study techniques to achieve serenity.

On courage day, 5 tips to face your fears
SrdjanPav / Getty Images Signature / Canva

Examples of these techniques are breath control, physical exercises and the aforementioned meditation.

Seek professional support.

In the case of persistent difficulties in overcoming your fears, it is recommended to seek professional support, as your case may be internal blocks, resulting from past traumas, which prevent you from exploring your potential.

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The most suitable professionals are: psychologist and hypnotherapist. Both have resources to investigate the history of their emotions and give them new meaning.

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