October has arrived, and with it life reminds us of its changes

    October has arrived and with it autumn here in the Northern Hemisphere. Summer is gone. The high temperatures, the long days and short nights, the joy of travel, of walks in the open air… gave their time to the cold wind, the rainy days, the yellowed and dry leaves of the trees… its cycles and its need for renewal. It is the eternal movement of life. Birth, growth and death. Life is impermanent.

    But while it is, it has a predictability; although we do not control life, we know that changes will unfailingly occur over time. And we suffer when we cling. We are all going through changes every day, even if we are not realizing it. It's the child who grows up and sometimes leaves to study or go his own way, it's the work that changes, it's the relationships that sometimes wear out and that are no longer what they used to be, it's our appearance and physical structure that changing with age, it's that friend of the “heart” who moves to a distant country and we don't see him so often anymore, anyway… changes are inevitable.

    It's life reminding us, sometimes, of the importance of letting go of even what we love, other times what doesn't serve us or works for us anymore. It is life showing us the importance of seeking the new, of acting with courage, even in the face of the unknown and the fear that change can incite us; so that, in this way, we open ourselves to the infinite possibilities that it presents to us. Only in this way will we achieve the evolution that the Universe asks of each of us.

    October has arrived, and with it life reminds us of its changes
    m_a2 / Getty Images / Canva

    If we don't really have control over life, we can contribute with it to our favor, whenever we allow ourselves to walk side by side with it, accepting its changes as something natural and necessary for evolution; be this our evolution, of the planet itself, of the entire Universe and of everyone involved. All situations in our life, both good and bad, are coming to an end; for this is the law of life. That's why it's necessary to find our balance and centeredness to go through the changes. We don't have control over the changes, but we have control over us. And we create our reality through our actions or reactions to life. Our destiny, at all times, is being shaped by us, through the way we deal with the facts that life brings us.

    Changes are inevitable, and if we cannot change this fact, we can use it to learn, to renew ourselves, to let go, to live the present facts and act with what we have and can in our present.

    When we adopt this stance, we open ourselves to the possibilities of life. Will the changes sometimes be painful? Yup. But when we allow ourselves to live in the peace of acceptance, which is different from accommodation, we allow renewal, new experiences and new energies to flow into our lives. And with that we open our channel of prosperity and the infinite possibilities that life brings us along with its changes.

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    How about trying a new course? Learn a new skill? Dare a new color or haircut? How about going down a different path today? How about opening up to a new point of view in a given situation? How about cleaning the drawers, cabinets and throwing away everything that is no longer useful? How about allowing yourself to free yourself from the mental shackles of worry and fear? How about breaking free from toxic relationships? How about just allowing yourself to be happy? Learn from nature! Accept going through your cycles! Transform, shine and let the light that resides in you light your own path!

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