New Year's Eve and Always New Year. The Holistic View of New Year's Eve and the Awakening of Consciousness

    New Year is approaching and it's nothing new: it's the time when plans, promises, debates and rituals about the turn of the year happen, to live a better life.

    I'll start by talking about the holistic view of why this moves us so much.

    We are collective beings and we receive influence from what is disseminated en masse. And New Year's Eve is one of those collective issues. Between propaganda, demonstrations, mysticism and preparations, in general everyone is somehow carried away. And let's take the opportunity to analyze what we can extract from this moment without trivializing it, through mass opinion.

    We, as holistic beings, are composed of body, mind and spirit, which confirms the principles and vision of holistic and integrative therapies and treatments. And this sphere called spirit directly receives influences from the environment and circulating energies in our Earth system. We will come back to this later.

    Anthropologically, rites of passage are moments of transition for all tribes and societies. And the end-of-year ritual is one experienced by all groups and places on planet Earth, which helps us understand its great influence.

    Psychologically, we all would like, at various times in our lives, to be given a second chance, especially on New Year's Eve. We envision this opportunity.

    New Year's Eve and Always New Year. The Holistic View of New Year's Eve and the Awakening of Consciousness
    Michal Collection / Canva / Me Without Borders

    Among religions, at this time, we find tributes, offerings, prayers, mantras and so many other practices, almost, in general, clamoring for similar goals: health, peace, love, prosperity and changes. And what's wrong with that? Absolutely nothing.

    What I want to awaken to everyone who has come this far in reading is that, in addition to these processes of requests and cries, that the Universe and the energies that will come in contact with us bring all this and happiness. We must and need to make the calls and processes from the inside out. And what does it mean?

    Many practices and rituals can help you attract a healthier and more prosperous life. But when I talk about this practice from the inside out, I'm saying that it is necessary not to leave aside the importance and value of care, of inner movement.

    And here's the message and ritual of the holistic therapies chain, for the end of the year and β€” why not? β€” for the beginning of the year as well.

    Let's be whole, whole and unique. For that we need a pot of awareness, a pinch of awakening.

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    For the body, a little body movement and stretching. For the mind, feel, breathe, close your eyes and hear yourself, feel what you need. Find your essence, recognize your story, accept your unique characteristics and be open to change and always improving. For spirit, connect to something you believe in, whatever name suits youβ€”God, Creator, Universe, or others. And be aware that we are part of the whole and that the whole is part of us.

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