New love. love again...

    I just got out of a toxic relationship and three months later I met a new person. I did not want. I thought it was good to wait and recover from a difficult and heavy history of years. But life, that little bastard, had other plans. I met someone who has 84% ​​compatibility in the birth chart and many in real life. I still don't know what will happen, but it has already shown me that there are, yes, different people and situations and, above all, there is free will in love.

    We grew up with the feeling that we need to find love like someone who finds the winning ticket to visit the Fantastic Chocolate Factory. There is only one human being – with luck, two – in the world capable of fulfilling us, and if we are with someone, we need to put up with the fear of loneliness. And yes, I believe that love is a job and it's a choice.

    We can choose. Choose again, choose the same person every day. I needed to get out of the old choice because the person didn't want to grow up, and that was their choice. But I always chose to try.

    No, even though I suffered a lot, I don't think it was a mistake to try. We are in an era of giving up too easily. Relationships are hard work, just like finishing college or finding a job is hard work. It's not luck, it's work. But this work has to be done with someone who also wanted and is willing and available for it.

    New love. love again...
    hogarndex / 123RF

    Available in the sense of not already having a relationship or having some kind of problem that prevents a relationship. Being married, having a girlfriend or having a strong depression are things that need to be resolved before finding new love.

    Willing, there it is even more complicated. Willing to work, talk, change. Willing to understand each other's love language; understand that her shrimp allergy will stop some restaurants and his bronchitis can make him snore a little. Understand that no one is going to be perfect and it all depends on how you are emotionally.

    I confess that this new possible love gave me work. Not with him, but looking inward, ready to really let go of the past. The work of reviewing my priorities and the work of not letting myself be carried away by the trauma left. It wasn't easy and I still get caught up in some questions. But overall, I'm moving on.

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    There are always openings for those who have the necessary preparation and disposition. You can always save a relationship that wants – for both parties – to be saved. Love is a choice, yes, it's an option to be with the other. The option to leave the other options. The option to work together for a common cause: life itself and happiness.

    Wish me luck for my possible new love… No luck, wish me a good job.

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