Nature does not give a stitch without a knot

Most spiritual teachers say that to be happy, just follow the rules of nature and not break them and things will flow as they should and we will live in peace. The problem is that we modern humans are so far removed from nature that we are not even able to understand these laws.

We need to rediscover our connection with the inner and outer natural world (a tip to see how connected you are is to answer the quiz: “What is your Degree of Connection with Inner and Outer Nature?”). That's because our civilized world is governed by laws and beliefs created by human rationality, many of which are beyond what Mother Nature teaches. It is as if we were still teenagers and stubborn children, who refuse to obey the basic laws of the intelligence that created us.

Therefore, the purpose of this article is to bring the teachings of nature, which we urgently need to pay attention to in order to improve our lives. So see what are the 7 rules of nature to make life simple:

1. Act with love

I consider love the number 1 rule of nature: I think it responds to the meaning of life. I read a sentence on a calendar these days that said: “love is not an option, it is an obligation”. We were born from an act of love. That alone should be clear enough for all human beings to continue to spread love around the world.

But we still see a lot of lack of love out there… It reminded me of the fact that, deep down, all our actions happen because of two basic feelings of the human condition: love or fear.

And this is not negative, because it is from the contrast that consciousness is born (without knowing the darkness, it is not possible to appreciate the light). This is how our brain reacts from birth.

Nature does not give a stitch without a knot
Hassan OUAJBIR / Pexels

This mechanism helps us discern what is dangerous and what is not. The rule of acting with love (love in the broad sense, not just romantic love) as a source of life helps to uncomplicate, because if we act with a feeling of love at the base, everything is solved.

If we act out of fear, we will create more fear, and that will have unpleasant consequences.

So pay attention to whether you are acting or reacting to a situation. It is when we act that we know with what intention we are acting.

When you have this awareness, you can choose which feeling you will put at the base of your action: choose love, and you will have love back for you. Intention works miracles! You can trust!

2. Feelings: good feelings indicate the right path, bad feelings indicate something to be resolved

We have an inner compass called the heart. It makes us feel a lot of things, and the feeling helps you know if you're doing the right thing. If you're happy and serene, that's the right thing.

If we suffer for something that someone has done to us, it indicates discomfort, that is, something to be resolved within us and not outside.

It's never the other's fault, but how we react to what happens. This seems to complicate things, but in fact it does because, by taking the blame from the other, you just have in your hands the key to solving your problems.

Nature does not give a stitch without a knot
Awaji-Tono Etex / Pexels

You “empower” yourself and become the person capable of changing how you feel. This is very liberating and uncomplicated: but, of course, you have to face your own pain and not run away from it.

If you have discomfort, something needs to be healed, analyzed, resolved. Distance yourself from people and situations that hurt you. Notice what is good for you and give preference to those things.

Believe me: if you do this homework, you will rise to another level and you will no longer suffer from the things of the past.

3. What you sow, you reap (law of action and reaction)

This rule was even made famous by Newtonian physics: Newton's third law. It is simple and teaches, in the words of Lúcia Helena Galvão, that “sowing is free, but harvesting is mandatory”.

It's nothing more than not doing to others what you don't want them to do to you. And, in a broader view, to paraphrase Gandhi: be the change you want to see in the world.

Nature does not give a stitch without a knot
Pixabay / Pexels

It is necessary to be attentive to act with discernment, bearing in mind that this action is born with thoughts: they are the seeds of matter. The practice advised by Buddhists is: righteous thought, righteous speech, righteous deed.

In other words: “By thinking, saying and having negative actions, you contaminate yourself.

By not thinking, saying, or doing negative things, you purify yourself.”

Siddhartha Gautama, o Buddha

4. Always try, because the no you already have

Nature does not give up. Think of how many billions of combinations were tried to arrive at what today is this miracle of the human body and planet Earth! She doesn't give up on you either.

It is always calling you to your purpose and your true nature. She goes there in your heart and shows you when something is for you, and you know it... When you want to accomplish something, but you find it difficult, don't give up on first, second, or third.

In the game of life, the winners are not those who have never experienced failure, but those who have failed multiple times and have not surrendered.

Nature does not give a stitch without a knot
Riccardo Bresciani / Pexels

Winners take advantage of each failure and see it as one more step towards victory.

Think about how many seeds a tree throws to procreate? So don't complicate your life by finding many excuses not to act in the direction of your heart.

Think of Brené Brown's quote from her book “Stronger Than Ever”: “You can choose comfort or courage. But not both at the same time.” Choose courage over comfort.

5. For each active phase, there is a receptive phase

I learned about this rule of nature by reading the book “Clorofillati”, by Marcella Danon, the greatest Italian ecopsychologist.

She explains that today we live in a world in which we act with a mechanical rhythm dictated by technology.

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We do not respect our natural organic rhythm, dictated by our physical and psychic demands. This ends up forcing us to do much more than we would like, overloading our capacity, because we are governed by a time of machines and not by a natural human time.

Therefore, in order to uncomplicate and have a good experience, it is necessary to respect this law of nature, that is, to give yourself moments of rest, pause, free opening to imagination and fantasy, to make small talk, to do things just for the sake of it. pleasure of doing them, of meditating.

Without feeling guilty about it or thinking it's a luxury. This has to become the dominant rule for healthy, uncomplicated everyday rhythms.

6. Perfect even imperfect

In nature everything is perfect even if it is imperfect. It is an intrinsic paradox in the mysteries of mother nature.

If you look closely at a tree, you will notice a geometry, an architecture, a certain synchrony in the growth of the branches. But at the same time, you know that the branches are not exactly equidistant, that the trunk grows upwards but can have twists, that the roots spread out from the foot, but with different sizes and spans.

Even so, the end result is the tree, beautiful and perfect as it is.

This is extremely valuable for simplifying your life, for you to accept your imperfections and even to see them with new eyes, as an opportunity to improve.

7. The beauty

Sometimes I wonder: why is nature so beautiful? The answer that convinces me the most is that I think she wants to please us and please herself too.

No one is indifferent to a beautiful sunset, a lush flower, a breathtaking landscape. It brings us wonder, makes us feel more complete and reminds us that there is beauty within us, for we are also nature.

Nature does not give a stitch without a knot
Pixabay / Pexels

That's why I believe that a great rule to make life easier is to start noticing and valuing the beauties that we have and that surround us, especially those little things that end up going unnoticed.

Stop to notice these things, because the meaning of life is in the simple things. So exalt your natural beauties and realize what beautiful is coming to you, from simple beautiful gestures like kindness or generosity. Look carefully at nature: note the plants where you pass, the sky.

See the expressions of beauty in any art form: music, poetry, architecture, painting.

Cultivate beauty in your life and create beautiful acts, create beautiful things, as a way of pleasing yourself and pleasing the world. With this practice, you will begin to see the beautiful even in unexpected situations. This brings well-being and uncomplicates.

Here's the message for you to reconnect with the natural laws that favor your well-being. Of course, some of these rules go far beyond just everyday practice.

They are part of a review that we have to do seriously so that our modern world takes a more sustainable course, not only for the natural environment, but for our psychic ecology, which is extremely fragile in the current times.

If you want to know a little more about your connection with nature, I leave here a very cool test that I created for you to understand better: What is your Degree of Connection with Inner and Outer Nature?

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