Natural tips to increase libido

Did you know that the sexual desire you feel has a super nice name? “Libido” is the name of the desire to have sex or to masturbate that a person can feel at any time in life, especially after puberty.

In the case of asexual people, who do not feel sexual desire, libido is also present when they engage in an activity that they very much want. It's important to know this not to say that asexual people have no libido!

If you're not an asexual person, your libido can be translated as your sex drive, mostly. And it can manifest when you see an attractive person, when you feel a warmth inside your body or when you remember a pleasant experience you had.

Although libido is present in all people, at times it can be lower or higher, referring to sexual desire. Have you ever felt that, as much as you love having sex or masturbating, you didn't feel the slightest desire to do it for a while, that you needed to increase your libido? Or were you only able to think about sex during your routine and didn't feel at peace until you had sex?

Libido is not constant. There are situations and medications that can reduce it, such as stressful or sad moments, and antidepressants or contraceptives. At the same time, libido can increase dramatically if a person is addicted to sex. Pornography consumption is one of the causes of this problem, which needs to be evaluated with professional help. As you get to know your body and your libido better, seek medical advice to understand what's behind a very low or very high libido.

Once you know your body, it is possible to identify the period in which you can increase your libido in a healthy and natural way. If your mental health is up to date and your physical health too, improving your sexual desire will be an easy task, just follow the tips we have prepared. Check out!

Natural tips to increase libido
Copyright : serezniy

Natural tips to increase libido

Do you want to spice up your relationship or did you feel like getting to know your body better, venturing into masturbation? See how to increase libido without the use of chemicals, with great safety and health!

1) A good night's sleep

When we spend the whole day tired and sleepy, we have a tendency to get stressed about any problem. As a result, sexual desire fades. Creating a sleep routine with enough hours for you to recover energy is essential for increasing libido. The more rest, the more pleasure!

2) Putting the body to work

Although physical exercises are very much associated with trying to achieve a standard of beauty, the truth is that they are much more important for maintaining physical health. By exercising regularly, you put your body to work and increase your willingness to engage in other activities, including sex!

3) A period to relax comes in handy

Boosting libido will be a very difficult task if you never take a moment to relax in the midst of routine. Take ten minutes of your day to meditate, bring a new perspective to the issues that concern you. Keep your mind at peace so your body will be able to relax too! Sex and tension don't mix!

4) Exploring new possibilities

Everything that falls into the routine loses its fun with time, doesn't it? To increase libido, what you need to do is look for new possibilities for sex. Venture into different positions, try sex toys, massage oils, kissable candles and whatever your imagination allows! Keep your relationship fresh!

5) An aphrodisiac menu

Have you ever heard of aphrodisiac foods? They have nutrients that stimulate the release of sex hormones and can easily increase libido. Chocolate, pepper, oysters and saffron are some of them, but below you will find vitamins and teas that also play a role in improving your sexual desire!

Natural tips to increase libido
Image of RitaE by Pixabay

Juices to increase libido

1) Banana, watermelon and Brazil nuts

Each of the elements that name this juice has properties that increase the release of hormones and dilate blood vessels, in the case of watermelon. Mixing bananas, watermelon and Brazil nuts in a chilled smoothie can significantly increase libido, getting you ready for action!

2) Acai and guarana

Two natural energy ingredients are açaí and guarana. While the former is an aphrodisiac, the latter is a powerful stimulant. Mixing the two could only result in one thing: increased libido! You can still add strawberries, honey and cinnamon powder to your recipe, to enhance the açaí with guarana powder.

3) Avocado and milk

The good old avocado smoothie is not only delicious, it can also boost your libido. As this fruit promotes blood circulation from monounsaturated fats, sexual performance tends to be better. With your heart beating in the right rhythm, you will feel the desire to have sex increasing, as you will not lack the mood.

Natural tips to increase libido
Image of Bernadette Wurzinger by Pixabay

Teas to increase libido

1) Fenugreek tea

Fenugreek is a plant known to regulate the release of hormones into the bloodstream. A tea made with the seeds of this herb and a pinch of pepper will boost your libido in no time. How about getting it ready before a special night out with the person you want to have sex with?

2) green tea

Many people substitute green tea for coffee because they know that this drink is energetic. But what many don't know is that a hot green tea increases blood transit through blood vessels, increasing libido, consequently. It's like a willpower bomb hitting your sex drive!

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3) Catuaba bark and sarsaparilla tea

If you want to increase your libido quickly, catuaba bark and sarsaparilla tea is unbeatable. Boil one tablespoon of catuaba bark and two tablespoons of sarsaparilla root in 250 ml of water. Once it cools down, strain and drink some of this mixture. Save some of it for other days and enjoy!

Increasing libido will not be difficult if you follow the natural tips we have prepared, but you need to make sure that the reduction in your sex drive is not caused by a mental or physical problem. Get to know your body well to know how to deal with it better!

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