Natural Gynecology – a rescue of ancestral wisdom

    Reconnect with your body's natural processes, with nature, with the wisdom of your ancestors, reconnect with yourself! This is natural gynecology. A concept that has been spread today, but practiced for a long time by our grandmothers, great-grandmothers and our ancestors.

    It is about the empowerment of women in relation to their body, their internal cycles, their blood, enabling the woman to become an expert of herself, a process of healing and self-knowledge. It brings back the ancestral knowledge of wise women, who had in their menstruation a sacred moment of recollection and reconnection, which together potentiated their strength and knowledge.

    Natural Gynecology – a rescue of ancestral wisdom

    Natural gynecology is a way of seeing the woman as a whole, and not just focusing on symptoms, but broadening the look with self-love and respect for everything that is natural to the nature of women.

    Herbs, meditation and self-observation are the pillars of this wisdom that already lives within each woman, it is only necessary to rescue it.

    Self-knowledge through the body, a rediscovery of herself and her sacred feminine and, above all, a reconnection with her essence, through acceptance, respect, love and healing.

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