Myths and Truths About Working With What You Love

“Find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day”, says one of those famous self-help phrases we see in books and social media pages that talk about the job market and professional life. But is it that simple?

For starters, is it possible for everyone to work with something they love? Should love and work really mix? To help you think about this statement that has been part of common sense for so long, we prepared a guide with 5 myths and 5 truths about working with what you love.

1 – It is possible to work with what you love – truth

Myths and Truths About Working With What You Love
evgenyatamanenko / 123RF

Yes, it's perfectly possible to work with what you love. A lot of people feel stuck in their current position or their college degree, but there's a lifetime to discover what they love to do and try to find a way to turn it into a lucrative profession. Reflect on what you love and how you can turn it into work!

2 – Everyone will be able to work with what they love – myth

The problem is that not everyone will be able to combine these two things: love and work. And that's okay! Not all love needs to turn into work. Not everyone who loves series is going to be able to become an actor, screenwriter, critic or something like that. But what counts, sometimes, is simply having a love in life, which even helps to give meaning to work.

3 – Working with what you love is not a matter of merit – truth

A lot of people think that trying hard is synonymous with success. But we know that this is not always the case. Privileges, opportunities, contacts and even luck, for those who believe, can change someone's career. So, those who have been trying for years to combine love and work shouldn't feel frustrated, but bump into issues that are out of their control.

4 – Those who work with what they love only do what they like – myth

Imagine that you love writing books but hate the Exact Sciences. Then you write a successful book, it starts to sell, you need to print new copies, the money goes in and out... and the hatred of the Exact Sciences in the midst of that much bill? Not all work done for love is just for love! Most of the time, it includes “boring” tasks too, and that’s okay! It's part.

Myths and Truths About Working With What You Love

5 – Even though I love the job, there will be difficulties – truth

Economic crises, problems you don't know how to solve, skills you still don't have… As mentioned in the previous topic, work made from love will not live only out of love. Then difficulties will arise, and it is important that you take care that they do not overcome this strong feeling that connects you to your work.

6 – It’s bad that our fulfillment doesn’t come from work – myth

The idea that we should be fulfilled in our professional life has always been sold to us, but our fulfillment can come from many places: study, relationships, family, children, hobbies... being able to have access to what we really love is okay!

7 – Turning hobby into work is sure of success – myth

You love massages, you've taken massage therapy courses and decide to go for it! Two months later, the clients still haven't shown up, and you're barely able to pay the room costs... It might take some time for your hobby to pay off, or it might not—and that's okay, because if you loves to do this, will have all the free time in the world to do, apart, a “ordinary” job.

8 – Sometimes Loves Change – truth

Myths and Truths About Working With What You Love
boarding1now / 123RF

You must have loved someone with all your strength, and, some time later, that passion just disappeared, right? And this can happen in all areas of life. Often, starting a college or a profession can make perfect sense, but years later, it turns out to be a not so right choice — it's part of it, and remember: it's always time to start over!

9 – It’s great when personal and professional life mix – myth

For some people it may be true, but not for everyone! Many people like to come home after work and just not think about work until the next day, while others like to work even while lying in bed, at the beginning and end of the day. Each one is each one, and no one is wrong!

10 – Experience is worth as much as will – truth

Haven't you heard of (or even experienced) relationships that come to an end even though the couple loves each other intensely? Often, love alone is not enough to sustain a relationship, and the same goes for work. Experience, study, ability and skill are as essential as the will to make this love work in the mix with work. So love, but get ready too!

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If you are one of the people who managed to combine work and love, cherish this rare encounter and try to make an effort to maintain this harmony between the two. But if you're one of those who can't combine these two things, don't be discouraged: there's a lot of love outside your professional life to be explored out there!

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