Mystical Meaning of Summer Solstice

When it comes to the mystical meaning of the summer solstice, there is a lot to be said. First of all, this well-known phenomenon has great influences on our planet Earth.

When this phenomenon occurs, the solar incidence becomes greater in the hemispheres that witness it. In addition, the day is usually longer than the night, thus dating the definitive arrival of summer.

The word โ€œsolsticeโ€ comes from the Latin โ€œsolstitiusโ€, which literally means โ€œpoint where the path of the sun does not seem to moveโ€. This phenomenon happens due to the rotational and translational movements of our planet.

The Meaning of Summer Solstice

This movement that brings us a day longer than night was discovered through the observations of the ancients. Because of this, they always held a celebration for the summer solstice.

But it wasn't just this observation about the longest day that happened. They also felt the changes taking place in their body in an energetic way. In fact, the energy they felt came from the astronomical phenomenon.

To better understand the mystical meaning of the summer solstice, it is necessary to know that ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Mayans, Incas and Greeks used to perform rituals for the phenomenon. Their purpose was to thank them for everything they had been granted and to ask for divine protection.

Mystical Meaning of Summer Solstice
Garon Picelli / Pexels

The biggest motivators of their rituals were the influence the sun had on their lives and its importance in the world. Most of the rituals contained fire as the main factor. After all, nothing else on the planet is capable of making an analogy to the intense heat that the Sun emits.

Currently, the summer solstice is also quite symbolic for certain religions, especially for paganism. On the other hand, for those who are fascinated by astrology, the mystical significance of the summer solstice is also celebrated.

How to celebrate the summer solstice?

There are many ways to get in touch with the energetics of this phenomenon. One of the most common ways to do this is to use meditation. There are those who like to participate in summer solstice rituals, and these still take place in different parts of the world.

But if you want to make a simple and effective connection, just connect with everything around us. You can do a meditation for the Summer Solstice, remember that everything can be harmonized with the new and potent solar energies that hit our planet.

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Think about the Sun, about what it provides to all beings and about the importance of this. Give thanks for everything that exists and has life due to the sun's rays and ask for protection in your own way. Now that you understand the mystical meaning of the summer solstice, your connection will have purpose and effect!

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