my life philosophy

“The wise man learns by watching, while the ignorant man learns by falling.” That's my philosophy of life. Anyone who knows me knows that I value observation very much. Not that I'm entirely rational (and who is?), but I've always liked to make decisions, whether personal or professional, based on the use of reason.

As today is the philosopher's day, and to commemorate this date, I say that reason is one of the main characteristics of philosophy. Not that every philosopher is rational, on the contrary, as William Shakespeare says: “There is much more mystery between heaven and earth than our vain philosophy dreams of.”

For our part, we believe that there is a first philosophy that generates all other philosophies, and that consists, mainly, in the correct definition of the truth, or of the things that are, among all, the most universal. It is in this sense that we say that we are rational. Generally, the philosopher, being a rationalist, does not accept any answer, he questions everything.

And who are the philosophers? According to Nietzsche, “a philosopher is a man who lives, sees, hears, suspects, hopes, and dreams constantly of extraordinary things, who is surprised by his own ideas as if they came from outside, from above and below, as by a kind of events and of thunderbolts that only he can suffer.”

my life philosophy
Thought Catalog/Unsplash

This is the way of the philosopher. There is no other. Philosophy is the knowledge acquired, by reasoning, starting from logic, or history, to arrive at its properties, or, from its properties, to a way of critical understanding of reality, to, in the end, as we evolve in knowledge and science, to be able to produce the effects required by philosophical reasoning.

Although common sense says that all men are philosophers, we think that only those who walk this path can call themselves philosophers. We cannot call someone a philosopher who defends flat earth, who accepts everything without question. The true philosopher is one who doubts his own ideas. In other words, it's not just because I prescribe some teas for my friends that I can say I'm a doctor. I have to study medicine. There are laws, ways of proceeding, legislation, ethics. If not, what would be the reason for universities to exist? Form charlatans?

Philosophy has been gaining new admirers because it teaches, for example, that the mathematician, from geometric figures, finds many of their properties and, through them, discovers new ways of building them rationally, in order to be able to measure the earth and calculate. the volume of water in a dam, in addition to an infinity of other uses. False philosophers do not recognize the value of science in their explanations, on the contrary, they deny it.

From this perspective, philosophy can contribute a lot to the construction of a new post-pandemic society, because it does not generate false perspectives in the citizen, on the contrary, it shows reality as it is, naked and unmasked, and concludes that whoever reasons correctly, using terms he understands, cannot be anything other than a good philosopher.

my life philosophy
Laurenz Kleinheider/Unsplash

Just to warn you: today we have many people who call themselves philosophers, but who are actually "arach philosophers", cannot distinguish a square from a rectangle.

Say no to phony philosophers, those men and women, who speak without knowing philosophy, who say they are philosophers without ever having read and studied a philosopher.

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Last provocation: can a man be a doctor without studying medicine? Can I advocate without doing it right?

Long live the true philosophers, long live me, long live Luís Philipe Ramiro Lemos, Cristina Ramiro Lemos, Braz José Cogo…

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