My best gift – My brother!

    Today I'm going to talk about the one that means so much in my life, that leaves me no choice but to thank the universe for its existence.

    My brother, my first friend, my partner in games and adventures, my life partner. I remember a lot of our history, from childhood, adolescence and, of course, adult life.

    My best gift – My brother!My best gift – My brother!

    I remember the fights over you leaving the empty milk carton in the fridge or me eating all your easter eggs, and how we always trusted each other to hide the shit we did from our parents. From the day I forgot you inside the club on your first outing and you gave me your cell phone when I left the house for the first time, just so I wouldn't run out of communication.

    We share the love for our parents, “even though you were found in the trash can” e “even though my mother likes you better!”, love for animals, for sport, for others. And we share the pain, pain of loss, absence, lack of money, the distance that sometimes insists on staying between us! And finally, we share resilience, because even with everything, and despite everything, we keep building our stories, always united!

    My best gift – My brother!

    I am so proud of you, the man you have become, a dedicated professional and an incredible family man. Including two of the best gifts you could have given me, our little bits!!!!!

    "Don't tell mom!", "I need a favor!", "I pay you second!", “Give me your opinion!”, "Shut up or I'll hit you!" - Our brotherhood is like this, together always, in good times and not so much! Lucky for me to have such a nice guy, friend and partner! Love you, you pretty thing Ina!

    My best gift – My brother!

    Happy our day! Happy today and always!


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