Much pleasure! I AM “ARCHANGEL MICHAEL”

    “Many call me the Prince of Angels, some the holder of the Sword of Justice, the protector against all evil, the friend in difficult times, the divine expression of the Father” I AM THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.

    At all times, the figure and name of Archangel Michael have been requested by various groups, regardless of religions, as the great savior of humanity – the Archangel of the First Ray – of the blue flame, which represents the will of God.

    His army of angels has always been in the service of good, justice and truth on Earth. Evoking Archangel Michael means having the help of his strength to deal with difficult causes, as his archangelic power brings the fight against evil and the difficulties of the world.

    We find mention and worship of this archangel in Christianity, Judaism, Islam and even in Afro religions. Usually he presents himself with a shield, a sword and a scale. In Hebrew, Michael means "one who is similar to God". (mi – “who”, ka – “how”, El – “god”). “”.

    There are many biblical passages where he appears leading his armies and angels against evil forces, but also in others he appears as a healing angel, protector and leader. By the sixth century, devotion to Michael had spread to both East and West.

    To better understand its action and representation, we can base ourselves on the studies of the White Fraternity, which teach us that divine energy reaches Earth through the Great Central Sun (our physical Sun), which is divided into 7 rays that carry the divine virtues. . Are they:

    Lightning – Blue color – Rules Sunday – Virtue: Divine Will and Power

    Lightning – Gold color – Rules Monday – Virtue: Divine Wisdom

    Lightning – Color Pink – Rules Tuesday – Virtue: Divine Love

    Lightning – White color – rules Wednesday – Virtue: Peace and Elevation

    Lightning – Color Green – Rules Thursday – Virtue: Truth Healing

    Golden Ruby Ray – Rules Friday – Virtue: Devotion

    Violet color ray – Rules Saturday – Virtue: Magic and Transformation

    Each ray or frequency has as its ruler an ascended master, an archangel and an elohin (elementals).

    Archangel Michael is the Archangel of the first ray, so blue is his color and the representation of the mantle of divine protection is available to everyone in any situation.

    Domfranciscorodrigues / Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    If you feel insecure, afraid in the face of an environment, person or even an event, imagine the blue light descending on you like an invincible, invulnerable, unattainable cloak, and say this little prayer.

    “Archangel Michael ahead

    Archangel Michael ago

    Archangel Michael on the right

    Archangel Michael on the left

    Arcanum Michael above

    Archangel Michael below

    Wherever I am… Archangel Michael is with me.”

    If you like candles, it would be great to light a blue candle on Sunday, which is the first day of the week, for Archangel Michael to receive his blessing and protection.

    If you are attuned to the beauty and magic of the archangels and angels, know that each of them can help you in different matters of daily life.

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    Archangel JOFIEL is responsible for the second golden ray and works on knowledge and studies. Archangel SAMUEL, of the third ray, acts in the color pink and drives love. Archangel GABRIEL, of the fourth ray, is God's messenger and bringer of good news. Archangel RAFAEL, of the fifth green ray, of healing, works in health matters. Archangel URIEL of the sixth ray, ruby ​​in color, holds his light for universal compassion and love. Finally, Archangel EZEQUIEL, of the seventh ray, brings the power of spiritual and energetic cleansing through the transmutation of dense energies.

    If you want to do a spiritual cleansing work with the energy of Archangel Michael, search on YouTube for the audio guides of the 21-day Prayer of Cleansing of Archangel Michael.

    Surely, after this deeper connection, you will feel relief and certainty of the blessed and protective action of this archangel, sent by God to take care of all humanity.

    Now you can say… Nice to meet you, Archangel Michael, welcome to my life.

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