Motion sickness: understand why you have motion sickness

    You have probably ever felt, or witnessed someone who felt sick while traveling by car, plane or ship. But do you know why this happens? First of all, the name of this type of motion sickness is motion sickness and it happens simply because your brain feels tricked and cannot distinguish whether you are still or moving. If we think about it, the human being is the only animal that usually moves around without having to move.

    We often make use of transport to expedite our displacement. When we look out the window, we realize that we are moving, but our body is at rest. That sounds confusing to anyone, doesn't it? Well, for our brain too.

    We have three different systems that send messages to our brain and when they conflict it is It's normal to feel sick and unwell. The first is our vision, the second is proprioception, which is nothing more than the ability to “see” even with our eyes closed (the fact that we can touch our nose with our eyes closed, for example, comes from this system. the way to be aware of our own body without having to see it), and the third is the inner ear, which with the labyrinth liquids also transmits important messages to our brain.

    Motion sickness: understand why you have motion sicknessWhen we move still, that is, with the help of some means of transport, our brain receives conflicting messages from these systems and, without being able to interpret them correctly, presents us with a beautiful discomfort. Some factors such as female gender, anxiety, pregnancy and labyrinthitis can increase this discomfort, but everyone is subject to having to deal with them, regardless of the degree.

    It is also for this reason that we often feel nauseous when we try to read on a moving transport. To avoid this evil, the ideal is that we make our vision see that we are in motion, so always look at the horizon and never at a stationary point inside the transport. It is also known that, with repetition, our body gets used to it and we tend to be less sick, so relax and enjoy the trip!

    Text written by Roberta Lopes da Silva from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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