Mother plague catch?

Mother plague catch?

Who among us has not heard those very characteristic phrases of a mother? Some examples:

β€œGet your coat, my son, you're going to catch a cold”- You go out, leave your coat and come back with the flu.

β€œDon't go to such a place that it's dangerous” – You ignore it, go, and get hurt.

Well, when we analyze this in the spiritist view, we come to the conclusion that those who love us always interfere in our lives.

In the cases above, they are positive intuitions of help that many parents have for the protection of their children, whether or not they are answered. On the other hand, we also have the influence of the strength of the words emitted. They echo like mantras, and oftentimes, they may not be positive.

As we already know, words and thoughts are living energies. Therefore, when we say to a child "you are a crybaby", over and over again, we are sending energy to make them cry even more, and at the same time we are informing our spiritual enemies that crying bothers us. Soon these enemies will do their best to irritate the child, so that he continues crying and taking the imbalance of the environment.

The same is true when we say that the child is deaf for not responding to our call. Over time, she may stop really listening or simply not want to listen anymore. Calling them dumb, slow, and other negative terms can do immeasurable harm in adulthood.

Science already analyzes this question deeply through neurolinguistics, applied today mainly in professional development.

So, mother's (or father's) plague does!

We are responsible for everything we say and/or think. We are co-creators of forms and thoughts that are active in our lives and, mainly, in the lives of these little ones, who depend on us for their evolution.

  • Understand how life doubles the good and bad things we wish for others
  • Protect yourself from the behaviors of a narcissistic mother
  • Learn the importance of asking for advice in difficult times
  • Delight in the wisdom of life from older people

We have an obligation to prepare them for the future, without condemning them to stagnation. We are what we think and interfere in the environment in which we live by the energies we vibrate. Words are living energy in our lives.

Get the balance:

  • love before thinking
  • Think before you speak
  • Speak Before You Scream

Caress your loved one whenever you can, say how important it is in your life. Do not be afraid to love. Love is the greatest force there is for spiritual balance.

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