Mother Mary – β€œIt is urgent to work for the end of the separation!”

    Mother Mary – β€œIt is urgent to work for the end of the separation!”
    Beloved children, may the blessings of love bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts.

    It is time to feed certainty in you, it is time to reassess your path, it is time to accept the new and, with it, the new reality that is about to manifest on your planet.

    The world continues to be polarized between rich and poor, but the new stage of your journey no longer admits the existence of this split between brothers who have the same divine origin.

    It is urgent to learn and recognize the truth of the expression:

    β€œYou are all brothers, you are all equal!”, seeking to eliminate false differences to allow the emergence of a cohesive identity that will prevail in this new time.

    Peoples, nations and religions need to seek and manifest this truth, so that divine justice is definitively imposed on your planet, revealing the beauty of the reintegration of the multiple faces of the divine contained in the manifestation of each people, each nation and each religion that coexists in the Mother Earth.

    β€œLearn with each other!”, this is the motto of this new momentum and for this to happen, it is necessary to put false differences aside, seeking to delve into the customs, habits and beliefs of multiple ethnicities to extract from them the truth of the Father, regrouping them in a single body, the body that will give birth to a new humanity, composed of a single nation.

    It is urgent to work for the end of the separation! While separated, you as humanity will continue to fuel chaos, fueling the outbreak of wars, strife and destruction.

    Withdraw the command of your egos and let the voice of your hearts speak. She, and only she, can guide your steps in the search for the common good, in the realization of the greater objective of life, which is nothing more than redemption to the power, love and wisdom of God-Father-Mother.

    seek to rescue the divine wisdom that lies in your being so that the Christic man/woman can emerge and give vent to the light that reveals the virtues of the Creator Father. Remember, therefore, that your thoughts, your attitudes, your feelings and your actions have the power to β€œcreate”.

    Create, therefore, the beauty that harmonizes your senses and calms your hearts, to give vent to the Christic potential that continues to be dammed up in the core of your being and, thus, guide your lives contained in the wisdom that restores your sovereignty and, with she, the control of your destinies, attracting the happiness that you so much seek to experience in a world of abundance and peace.

    Well, beloved, may your prayers continue to feed the minds and hearts of all your brothers, so that when touched they may recognize the light of perfection, the light of truth, the light of wisdom and unconditional love that you accept, will reveal the new humanity in this new time, the Age of Light.

    Well, beloved, I leave you now pouring out my blessings on all of you and wrapping you all in my mantle of protection, because I am Mary, your Mother.

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