More peace, love and gratitude this Christmas and New Year

Gratitude, this is a word that we must always keep in mind and in our hearts, in the purest and most sincere way that we can achieve, of course, during the year, life puts us to the test of many limitations. So that we can evolve, it puts us to the test, so that we can overcome ourselves, there are human beings of light among us who teach us a lot daily, that a word sometimes seems to go unnoticed, but our unconscious is saving everything for the right moment.

And one of those beings of light that passed through us, his energy is constantly among us, is Jesus Christ, a spirit that came with a mission, that the world already knows, but what to take away from everything we read and hear? What to believe? Why so many interpretations? At the end of it all, in this life, it doesn't matter, the message of all the great masters, such as: Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Mohammed and Moses, was love for the next, that's enough.

More peace, love and gratitude this Christmas and New Year

Christmas is a celebration that aims to honor the great human being that was Jesus Christ, to make us reflect, understand, understand and be grateful for what we have and what we have built, alongside those who strengthen us, unfortunately this date is lost. in commercial values, but I hope that whoever is reading this moment knows that we are one, one vibration. So, that this Christmas we can vibrate for life, for the achievements, for the defeats that teach us, for the glories and, above all, seek to love our neighbor, as well as ourselves, as the philosopher Confucius would say: “The reward of a good deed is in good deed”.

Just like the New Year's tradition, we all know it's just a normal day, but it carries the spirit of renewal, courage and hope. The turn of the year, for many, means “new air” and thus brings the desire for change, always generating new internal conflicts and reflections for the following year.

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Energetically, this date was named New Year's Eve, which would be the famous renewal, so people are more open to the idea of ​​light, faith, understanding and positivity. Undoubtedly, this energy of peace and love generates a channel, a portal of light with the universe, so that we can always bring this energy and idea of ​​the new year to more days and times of the year, for example: the 15/06th. , which is a day of positivity, as well as the day of gratitude and so on, we use these traditions to enjoy the peace that we emanate and that, over time, is something natural like daylight.


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