“Moon People”

How many times do we come across people who may be co-workers or even relatives and residents at the same address, who say: “I am not in my days today”, “I am not well today”?

In fact it is common to find people like this; and certainly, for those who receive this affirmation, it is not easy to look for ways to communicate and live together, since a simple gesture or word can complicate the relationship.

We say that these people, because they recognize themselves as problematic, try to warn in advance that they are not cool, which to a certain extent is beneficial in relation to others.

“Moon People”
Ethan Sykes/Unsplash

But the worst are those creatures that are “of the moon”, as they say, and do not recognize such behavior, thinking that the way they behave (usually hurting others) is to be normal, which makes it difficult to obtain a harmonious conversation, as they are always ready to come with “stones in hand” or with inadequate answers. Worse still, if these people occupy a position of leadership or leadership in the family, when it is necessary to have a “jump game” to live with them.

What intrigues everyone is the reason why they act like this, as we can see that they do not take pleasure in doing so.

We explained that waking up without having slept well, or having a more serious problem to solve the day before, or not trying to elevate the thought to the belief that you have in the morning, makes the day start troubled. And, as contact with other people is necessary, who often have the same profile, a confrontation of mood ends up happening.

“Moon People”

As we are surrounded by spirits that are in tune with our way of thinking and leading us, spirits that often love to produce strife and see “an armed shack”, intuit us to enter into conflict.

Certainly, a little prayer when we wake up, as soon as we open our eyes, avoids much of the discomfort during the rest of the day, and in this way we will be driving away from us spirits belonging to the mocker class, and consequently we will attract more balanced entities, who, instead of if they delight in evil, they will provide us with beneficial insights in solving the most diverse problems that we are about to face during the day.

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No one comes into the world predestined to be moony or to have a troublesome temper toward others. We are the ones who, over time, get used to not watching our attitudes and end up getting used to bad behavior. We justify it by saying “I'm not well today”, trying to mask the lack of consideration for others, whose attitude becomes part of our personality and is reinforced by the influence that the disembodied around us exert.

Let us be firm in our thoughts and think a little more about others, and this “moon” will certainly change.

Good thoughts to all!

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