Montessori bedroom and the philosophies of environment for children

Have you ever heard of the Montessori room method? Well, this method, created in 1907, by the Italian educator and doctor Maria Montessori, argues that children's rooms should be made especially for them, not for adults. The main objective is for the place to keep objects and furniture at eye level for the little ones, so that they can develop their freedom and autonomy with complete safety, prioritizing self-education.

The Montessori bedroom is minimalist and functional, that is, it has few furniture, in addition to being a quiet, cozy and safe environment. Everything must be within the child's point of view and reach, so that when they want or need something, they have easy access.

Montessori bedroom and the philosophies of environment for childrenSo, instead of high beds for example, the mattresses should be on the floor. That way, they can get up and lie down whenever they want. Toys, on the other hand, should be arranged so that when the little one wants to pick it up, he can do it easily.

Here are other tips for setting up your child's Montessori bedroom:

O espelho It is a piece that cannot be missed. This is because it is through him that the child is able to recognize himself. Thus, he visualizes not only his own face, but is able to see the movements he makes, providing himself, in addition to autonomy, recognition of himself as an individual. To install it in your child's room, a tip (if it's a baby) is to place it flat on the floor, in a horizontal position. Remember to fix it to the wall so you don't run the risk of falling, breaking and hurting the little one. As your child grows, place him vertically.

Montessori bedroom and the philosophies of environment for childrenAnother tip is to build a toy and reading corner. It should have chests, low shelves, and fully accessible niches so that the child can easily explore the environment.

A fixed bar in the bedroom helps the little ones to stand. To install them, fix them on the wall, encourage your child's freedom.

Give free access to clothes. A good tip is to leave them exposed in lower cabinets, racks or drawers. In this way, your child will feel stimulated to make their own choices, in a healthy and natural way.

But, like everything that involves children, the room assembly must obey some aspects of safety. Therefore, do not use frames that contain glass, opt for acrylic; be careful with furniture that can tip over easily; avoid elements and furniture that have corners; hide all outlets; avoid using nails and use double-sided tape to fix objects on your wall.

  • Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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