Miracles, they exist

Miracles exist and they are everywhere, we don't see, feel or value them because we always idealize something bigger, usually more concrete, physical... material...

Miracles… they do exist, and they are among us all the time, showing us how important attention is, love is essential and our gaze at the simplest gestures is really necessary…

Miracles… ahhh… how nice it would be if we could recognize them and take advantage of them, from the beginning of our lives, for every second, every moment… they would teach us so much… and what would be abstract, concreteness would win in the most important place: inside us❣️

Miracles... they come and they go... they appear in front of us at the most favorable moments, at the moments we need it most and, generally, when full of faith, hope and humility, we cry out to God... in those moments that we need to remember how much we are capable of loving, taking care, dedication, finding simplicity, lightness and, staying there for hours and hours admiring and feeling, enjoying, in the search for self-knowledge, resilience, peace, harmony and, above all, wisdom...

Miracles, they exist

But what is it, how is it presented, what is the repercussion of this “such” miracle?

It is anything that crosses our path and directs us to a new look, a new way of feeling, something that promotes a different meaning to the logic of life...

Plants, animals, people, feelings, moments and/or occasions, words spoken, a simple look or a tight hug… every detail brings us a message…

Have you ever noticed the process of a plant until it blooms? Have you ever thought how much she needs love, attention, care, energy…? Have you ever stopped to think that you have a responsibility to her and that she needs you? Also, see, you and she have a bond… your energy and your dedication interfere in the life of your little plant… have you ever interacted with the fact that it is not by chance that she is there to be taken care of by you? And how much do you also end up being taken care of by her? The feeling of being useful, of dedicating time, love… do you enjoy it?

Miracles, they exist

In your work, when walking through the streets, have you ever looked around you and noticed the miracles out there? They may not have names and you don't even know who they are... how many times has someone else's smile made you lighter and happier? How many times have you practiced helping others without expecting anything in return? Did you know that generosity is an act that fulfills much more who gives than who receives?

Miracles happen from the inside out... they are scattered all over the place... we just need to realize them, we just need to be prepared to welcome them, feel them, live them...

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Miracles… they exist and they are within us… what is outside only activates what is inside, and then the magic happens. We, well… we bloom❣️

Have you experienced any miracles today? Silence… and access something wonderful that is just waiting for an opportunity to manifest within you🦋

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