mental handcuffs

It is known that the human being enjoys a unique quality in the Creator's realm. We are graced with the intelligence that makes us discern and follow the best path. Even with this prerogative, which is a divine gift, we plaster this capacity and sail rough seas in the oceans of life.

Handcuffs, when of a physical nature, are easily noticeable and to free ourselves we need third parties. Others that are abstract and so intimate can only be reached if we delve into the core of the soul to detect and evaluate the causes of this imprisonment.

mental handcuffs

Paradoxically, we seek this “freedom” in the outside world and we remain asleep regarding the deepening of this knowledge that will bring us the due discernment for the journey in the Seara do good. In these backstages that we still don't know, archetypes accumulate that influence our lives as if they were treasures that we should one day enjoy their values...

Continuing in this mistake, we will be delaying our inner balance whose evolutionary and inexorable process awaits us. Wrapped in this Daedalus, we suffer greatly for not seeking the true path trodden by Jesus.

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Free will provides us with the direction to be taken and, using common sense, we will reach spiritual elevation, anticipating the arrival at the welcoming Celestial harbor. Being aware of the meaning of true Life, it remains for us to preserve it with Faith and Hope.

The release of these shackles will take place through our personal effort.

For this task we cannot do without the power of the mind. Thought has unimaginable forces and if we keep it clean and focused on the ethical-moral values ​​that Jesus left us, there will be no doubt that the result will be promising. Everything will depend on our will.

Corroborating the explanation, we cite a record in the book “Energia e Espírito”, by José Lacerda Azevedo, cap. 6, pgs. 5 and 6: “(…) In the field of Science, energy appears in the most diverse forms, according to the field in which it manifests itself. Thus, kinetic, thermal, light, chemical, sound, nuclear, electrical, magnetic, gravitational energy, etc.”

mental handcuffs

Thought has a unique energy whose subtlety transcends the others due to its refinement and because it is the manifestation of the Spirit, considered as “quintessential” energy, which contains elements of its own nature... It is in this imperceptible and still unexplored potential that we must seek control elements that move us in life: will, feelings and emotions, responsible for our everyday attitudes.

The holistic view of what we are and what we represent in the Orb will reveal horizons of Light that will favor our evolutionary process throughout the countless existences that we will still have. (The mind sows; it is up to the body to reap.)

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